
A NodeJs wrapper for Exotel APIs. Converts Exotel XML response to Javascript object.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import exotelNode from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/exotel-node';


Exotel NodeJs Wrapper

A NodeJs wrapper for Exotel APIs. Converts Exotel XML response to Javascript object.

npm install exotel-node

Include and initialize

var Exotel = require('exotel-node');
Exotel.init(SID, TOKEN, EXOPHONE);

APIs available

Send SMS

Exotel.sendSMS(TO_NUMBER, MESSAGE, function(error, response) {
  if (!error) {

Connect call (Connect agent to customer)

Exotel.connectCall(AGENT_NUMBER, CUSTOMER_NUMBER, function(error, response) {
  if (!error) {

Get call details

Exotel.getCallDetails(CALL_SID, function(error, response) {
  if (!error) {
    console.log(response.DateCreated);  // Date created
    console.log(response.DateUpdated);  // Date updated
    console.log(response.AccountSid);   // Account SID used to create the call
    console.log(response.To);           // Customer number/2nd number in API call
    console.log(response.From);         // Agent number/1st number in API call
    console.log(response.Status);       // Call status
    console.log(response.StartTime);    // Call start time
    console.log(response.EndTime);      // Call end time
    console.log(response.Duration);     // Call duration
    console.log(response.Price);        // Call cost
    console.log(response.RecordingUrl); // Call recording url

Submit issues

You can raise an issue in this repo or mail me at sidhant@hashexclude.com