
Middleware for processing config templates in front matter. Can be used with verb, assemble v0.6.0 and greater, or any application based on jonschlinkert/templates.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import expandFrontMatter from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/expand-front-matter';


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Middleware for processing config templates in front matter. Can be used with verb, assemble v0.6.0 and greater, or any application based on jonschlinkert/templates.


Install with npm:

$ npm install --save expand-front-matter


Works with assemble, verb, generate, update, or any Template-based application. Just replace assemble in the examples with your application of choice.


This requires front-matter to be parsed in advance. You can easily do this with parser-front-matter like this:

var assemble = require('assemble');
var app = assemble();

// parse front matter on all `hbs` files
app.onLoad(/\.hbs$/, function(view, next) {
  matter.parse(view, next);

Middleware usage

Use as a middleware:

var expand = require('expand-front-matter');
var assemble = require('assemble');
var app = assemble();

app.onLoad(/\.hbs$/, expand(app));

Plugin usage

app plugin

Use as an "instance" plugin on app to expand templates in the front-matter of all views in all collections:

var expand = require('expand-front-matter');
var assemble = require('assemble');
var app = assemble();


Collection plugin

Use as a collection instance plugin to expand templates in the front-matter of all views in the collection:

var expand = require('expand-front-matter');
var assemble = require('assemble');
var app = assemble();


view plugin

Use as a view plugin to expand templates in the front-matter of a specific view:

var expand = require('expand-front-matter');
var assemble = require('assemble');
var app = assemble();

app.page('foo', {content: '...'})
  .render(function(err, res) {
    //=> do stuff to res


Related projects

  • assemble: Get the rocks out of your socks! Assemble makes you fast at creating web projects… more | homepage
  • expand: Recursively resolve templates in an object, string or array. | homepage
  • template: Render templates using any engine. Supports, layouts, pages, partials and custom template types. Use template… more | homepage
  • verb: Documentation generator for GitHub projects. Verb is extremely powerful, easy to use, and is used… more | homepage


Pull requests and stars are always welcome. For bugs and feature requests, please create an issue.

Building docs

(This document was generated by verb-generate-readme (a verb generator), please don't edit the readme directly. Any changes to the readme must be made in .verb.md.)

To generate the readme and API documentation with verb:

$ npm install -g verb verb-generate-readme && verb

Running tests

Install dev dependencies:

$ npm install -d && npm test


Jon Schlinkert


Copyright © 2016, Jon Schlinkert. Released under the MIT license.

This file was generated by verb-generate-readme, v0.2.0, on December 26, 2016.