
This package helps you make expo push notification for React Native easy to use.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import expoPushNotificationHelper from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/expo-push-notification-helper';



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This package helps you make expo push notification for React Native easy to use.


Add expo-push-notification-helper to your project by executing

$  npm install expo-push-notification-helper
$ yarn add expo-push-notification-helper

You're all set!


To initialize expo-push-notification-helper import the "initnotify"
//import the initnotify into your project
import { initnotify } from 'expo-push-notification-helper';

//and then use like so

it's advicable to do this at your top level file.

can also use the callback function. Which returns true on success and false if unsuccessful.
this will also automatically create three channels for your app, "default", "reminders", "chat-messages" .
//import the initnotify into your project
import { initnotify } from 'expo-push-notification-helper';

//and then use like so
                //get token
                //request for permission

To get expo token of device import the "getToken"
this must be used in a async/await .
//import the getToken into your project
import { initnotify, getToken } from 'expo-push-notification-helper';

//and then use like so

      initnotify().then( async(data)=>{
                console.log(await getToken());
              alert('please grant this app notification permission in settings.')

To create a new channel import the "newChannel"
//import the newChannel into your project 
import {  newChannel } from 'expo-push-notification-helper';

//and then use like so 

on default your channel will be created sound being false but you can change that by adding true as a second input

To send push notification import the "notify"

//import the notify into your project 
import { notify } from 'expo-push-notification-helper';

//and then use like so 
      notify(token, "new message", "hello there how are you doing", "default")

Not you must supply the channel."


all expo-push-notification-helper props

Name Use callback note
initnotify() initialize package, this will ask for notification permission. true, false this will also automatically create three channels for your app, "default", "reminders", "chat-messages" .
getToken() get expo token of device null must be called in async/await
newChannel(name, isSound) create new notification channel true, false isSound is a boolean
notify( token, title, body, channel ) send push notification null without providing a channel. channel will be set to default by default


Have a new feature you'd love to add to this project? Make a Send me a pull request! Just follow the guidelines. Thank you!

don't forget to star, like and share :)


This project is licensed under MIT license.