
Third party authenticators in nodejs. Support various providers. Zero heavy dependencies.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import expressAuthenticators from '';


Express Authenticators Build Status


Modern OAuth/OAuth2 authenticator.


  • Pre-configured for popular providers: Google, Facebook, Foursquare, Github, Twitter, LinkedIn, LINE, Pinterest, Tumblr, Instagram.
  • Pre-configured for popular scopes: email, profile, etc. with account fetching for basic user information.
  • The original OAuth/OAuth2 classes are available for customized providers.
  • The only dependencies are r3986 and node-fetch.
  • Modern NodeJS. Although, it requires NodeJS >= v14.17.0 to use the randomUUID() function.
  • Strongly typed with TypeScript.
  • Support PKCE(Proof Key for Code Exchange).
  • Generic and pure interface. Do not depend on any framework.


  • With yarn: yarn add express-authenticators.
  • With npm: npm install --save express-authenticators.

Note: before v0.1.0, this package was for ExpressJS only, hence its name is express-authenticators.

Sample code in ExpressJS

const {
} = require('express-authenticators')
const express = require('express')
const session = require('express-session')

const app = express()

const facebookAuth = new FacebookAuthenticator({
    clientID: 'facebook app id',
    clientSecret: 'facebook app secret',
    redirectUri: ``,

    async (req, res, next) => {
        req.session.someInfo = 'my info' // store the user credential
        try {
            const redirectUrl = await facebookAuth.authenticate({
                store(token) {
                    req.session.oauthFacebook = token
            res.status = 302
        } catch (e) {
    async (req, res, next) => {
        try {
            const payload = await facebookAuth.callback(
                new URL(`${req.url}`).search
            const profile = await facebookAuth.fetchProfile(payload)
            console.log('got profile', profile)
        } catch (e) {

API references

Note that NodeJS >= v14.17.0 is required.

Exported classes

  • 2 generic classes: OAuth2 and OAuth.

  • Pre-configured providers that inherit OAuth: TwitterAuthenticator, TumblrAuthenticator.

  • Pre-configured providers that inherit OAuth2:

    • FacebookAuthenticator
    • FoursquareAuthenticator
    • GithubAuthenticator
    • GoogleAuthenticator
    • InstagramAuthenticator
    • LinkedInAuthenticator
    • PinterestAuthenticator
    • LineAuthenticator
    • ZaloAuthenticator


  • All pre-configured providers' constructors take only one parameter: options with the following properties.
    clientID: string
    clientSecret: string
    redirectUri: string

Most generic methods

All exported classes inherit the IOAuthCommon interface which has the following methods:

  • authenticate(session: {store(token: string): void | Promise<void>}): string | Promise<string>.

    • Input: this method takes only one argument, session whose store method is called with a token in string type to store in the request session. This data will be required in the succeeding callback() method.
    • Output: redirect url. The controller/router should redirect the user to this url. This function always returns a string type or throws an error if it fails.
  • callback({pop}: {pop(): string | undefined}, rawQuery: string):

    • Input: pop is a function that returns the token from the request session. This token is required to validate the authentication.
    • Input: rawQuery is the query string from the callback url, the query may or may not contain the leading ? character (internally, we use URLSearchParams which handles this automatically).
    • Output: the token payload returned from the provider. For OAuth providers, this is {token: string, secret: string}. For OAuth2 providers, the payload is the JSON-parsed response from the provider which usually contains the token for further request.

Pre-configured providers' methods

Pre-configured providers have the following methods:

  • fetchProfile(tokenPayload): Promise<IOAuthProfile>: takes the token payload returned from the callback() method and returns the profile data. Although each provider returns different data, they are all pre-configured in this library to return the IOAuthProfile described below.
export interface IOAuthProfile {
    id?: string
    email?: string
    emailVerified?: boolean
    first?: string
    last?: string
    avatar?: string
    raw: any

Where raw is the raw JSON-parsed data returned from the provider. Other fields are calculated carefully based on the data returned from the provider.

Customized provider

While I recommend you using the pre-configured providers, you can also create your own customized provider by extending the OAuth/OAuth2 classes or initialize a new instance of the OAuth/OAuth2 classes directly.

Here are two sample implementations of FacebookAuthenticator (extending OAuth2), and TwitterAuthenticator ( extending OAuth)

class FacebookAuthenticator
    extends OAuth2<IFacebookTokenPayload>
    implements IOAuthProfileFetcher<IFacebookTokenPayload> {
    fetchProfile = fetchFacebookProfile

    constructor(options: {
        clientID: string
        clientSecret: string
        redirectUri: string
        scope?: string
    }) {
            consentURL: '',
            tokenURL: '',
            scope: ['email'].join(','),
        }, {
            ignoreGrantType: true,
            tokenRequestMethod: TokenRequestMethod.GET,
            includeStateInAccessToken: false,
            enablePKCE: false,

export default class TwitterAuthenticator extends OAuth implements IOAuthProfileFetcher<IOAuthTokenPayload> {
    constructor(config: {
        clientID: string
        clientSecret: string
        redirectUri: string
    }) {
            consumerKey: config.clientID,
            consumerSecret: config.clientSecret,
            callbackUrl: config.redirectUri,
            requestTokenUrl: '',
            accessTokenUrl: '',
            authorizeUrl: '',
            signingMethod: OAuthSigningMethod.Hmac,

    async fetchProfile(tokenPayload: IOAuthTokenPayload) {
        const response = await this.signAndFetch(
                qs: {include_email: true},
        if (!response.ok) throw new OAuthProfileError(await response.text())
        const profile = await response.json()
        if (!profile.id_str) throw new OAuthProfileError('Invalid Twitter profile ID')
        return {
            id: profile.id_str,
            raw: profile,
            avatar: profile.profile_image_url_https
                || profile.profile_image_url
                || profile.profile_background_image_url_https
                || profile.profile_background_image_url,
            first: || profile.screen_name,
            emailVerified: !!,
             * from twitter docs
             * /manage-account-settings/api-reference/get-account-verify_credentials
             * When set to true email will be returned in the user objects as a string.
             * If the user does not have an email address on their account,
             * or if the email address is not verified, null will be returned.