
Express middlware for generate standard page navigation bar styled with Bootstrap 3

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import expressBootstrapPagination from '';


Express Bootstrap Pagination

Express middlware for generate standard page navigation bar styled with Bootstrap 3.


npm install --save express-bootstrap-pagination


yarn add express-bootstrap-pagination


const pagination = require( 'express-bootstrap-pagination' );
app.use( pagination );

Now in the Express app.locals added 2 functions:

  • pagination
  • urlWithQuery

Each function can be interpolated as string in the template engine.

pagination( currentPage, totalPages, options )

This function have two required arguments:

  • currentPage { number } - number of current page
  • totalPages { number } - number of total pages


options { object } is optional argument.

  • round { number } - number of pages around the current page. Default: 4
  • outer { number } - number of outer window pages (first and last pages). Default 2
  • param { string } - name of param for query url. Default: 'page'
  • query { string } - additional query string to url. Optional
  • class { string } - additional CSS class name for main pagination container. Optional
  • start { number } - start number for query string. Default: 1. Optional

urlWithQuery( query )

query { object } - object with query parameters and its values. For replace query.

Parameters with undefined, null and empty values will be removed from query.


Template engine is pug2

//- Pagination
if ( totalPages > 1 )
  !=pagination( currentPage, totalPages, { round: 2 } )

//- urlWithQuery
a( class='btn' href=urlWithQuery( { status: 'free' } ) ) Free
a( class='btn' href=urlWithQuery( { status: 'busy' } ) ) Busy
a( class='btn' href=urlWithQuery( { status: null } ) ) All