
This is the front end API of express-comment, which are wrappers for XMLHttpRequest that aims for high readability and ease of use.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import expressCommentFrontend from '';


express-comment Frontend API

This is the front end API of express-comment, which are wrappers for XMLHttpRequest that aims for high readability and ease of use.


express-comment support both Node/Browser. You need to supply the window object and the mounted path of backend middleware to create the instance of use for API.

// for ReactJS or similar frameworks on Node
import ec from 'express-comment-frontend';
const comment = ec(window, '/middleware/path');

// for <script />
const comment = commentFactory(window, '/middleware/path');

General Syntax

The API consists of a list of prepositions and action words that, when chained together, creates a readable command and initiates request when .fire() is called.

Prepositions are used to create filter of actions, or provide some necessary parts and information for a certain action to work correctly. The following are provided prepositions:

 * Targeting specific post with postId

 * targeting specific post as the new post's parent
 * (the post that is replied to)

 * specify the user who is associated with command

 * specify user-defined article unique identifier (assoc) 
 * that the command is operating on

 * specify that the result in the returned array 
 * should have length of maximum maxNum

Actions specify what we want to achieve, for example, inserting/updating/deleting/updating posts. The following are provided actions:

 * Create a new comment on a specific article, with body as 'body'
 * and opaque data (user defined string data that is opaque 
 * to the express-comment system, but have certain importance 
 * that is has to be stored with the entry) as 'opaque'
 * The ID of added comment will be returned as result in callback/Promise
[API].comment(body[, opaque])

 * Similar to .comment, but for replying to an existing post
 * The ID of added comment will be returned as result in callback/Promise
[API].reply(body[, opaque])

 * Update a certain comment/post
[API].update(body[, opaque])

 * Delete posts with matching categories. NOTICE that 
 * deleting a post would AUTOMATICALLY delete all its replies!

 * Get the count of posts that matches certain filter
 * Count will be returned as result in callback/Promise

 * Find a SINGLE post that matches a filter. 
 * 'isRecursive' (boolean) means should we recursively fetch the replies 
 * on this found post or not (if true, then yes, recurse to the very end)
 * 'maxRecurseLevel' (integer) means the maximum level that we would attempt
 * to recurse. For example, if a chain of replies has 3 levels, specifying
 * 'maxRecurseLevel = 2' would result in the reply of the 3rd level not found
 * when searching root level comments (those which does NOT have a parent)
 * When 'isRecursive' or 'maxRecurseLevel' is specified, the replies found
 * would be populated in 'entry.reply', which is an array (could be empty).
 * NOTICE that due to performance and system usability considerations, sometimes
 * NEITHER 'isRecursive' NOR 'maxRecurseLevel' should be set. For example, when
 * searching by 'username', it is likely that you will found a user replying to
 * himself/herself. In this condition, recursive search would be unreasonable
 * due to repetitive results appearing in the reply chain. This is exceptionally
 * bad when the comment tree is deep. Therefore, you will get a frontend error
 * that forbids you to set the recursive options when this happens.
 * (ACTUALLY, try only recursively search when a single postId is given. If you
 * need to fetch all comments recursively on an article, use .findRoot/.findRootAll
 * as specified below)
 * The comment object will be returned as result in callback/Promise

 * Similar to above, but find ALL matching results instead (returning an array)
 * Array of comment objects will be returned as result in callback/Promise

 * Find a SINGLE root comment on an article (comments without parent)
 * The comment object will be returned as result in callback/Promise

 * Find ALL root comments on an article (comments without parent)
 * NOTICE that this, with recursive info set is VERY useful if you want to
 * load every comment under an article
 * Array of comment objects will be returned as result in callback/Promise

When Actions and Prepositions combine, and eventually called with .fire(), you will be successfully conducting an API call.

.fire() takes both callback and Promise styled async handling. When a cb is provided as an argument, you trigger the callback mode. Otherwise, .fire() returns a Promise. This is very similar to that of Node Mongo Native Driver.

// callback style
[API].[ACTION].[[PROPOSITIONS]].fire((err, result) => {
  if (err) {
    // error
  // ...

// callback style
  .then((result) => { /* ... */ })
  .catch((err) => { /* ... */ })

The following is ALL valid combinations. Don't try to remember them (use them as reference instead) when using, since usually the intuition will work when you construct the

comment.comment(body[, opaque]).by(username).on(assoc).fire();

comment.reply(body[, opaque]).by(username).to(parentId).fire();

comment.update(body[, opaque]).of(postId).fire();



// .on/.by search disallow recursive attempts




// for ReactJS or similar frameworks
import ec from 'express-comment';
const comment = ec.frontend(window, '/middleware/path');

// for <script />
const comment = commentFactory(window, '/middleware/path');

let myCommentID;
let myReplyID;
// Add a new comment
  .comment('That\'s very sad...', '{ likes: 5 }')
  .on('Farewell Node.js (TJ)')
  .fire((err, id) => { // callback styled
    if (err) {
    myCommentID = id;

// ... somewhere in the code structure, when we know we have myCommentID set
  .then((id) => myReplyID = id);

// ... somewhere in the code structure, when we know we have myCommentID set
  .then(() => console.log('Here goes nothing...'));

// Get all comments, recursively, on an article
  .on('Farewell Node.js (TJ)')
  .then((arr) => setState({ comments: arr }));

Raw Query Format

If you just don't like this API design, you can directly make HTTP requests using XMLHttpRequests. These are query formats for reference if you want to create your own requests.

POST actions

# insert
action = insert
username = username
body = any
assoc? = assoc_id
parentId? = parent_id
opaque? = opaque data || JSONString

# update
action = update
postId = id
body? = any
opaque? = opaque data || JSONString

# delete
action = delete
postId? = id
username? = username
assoc? = assoc_id
parentId? = parent_id

GET actions

# count
action = count
postId? = id
username? = username
assoc? = assoc_id
parentId? = parent_id

# findById
action = findById
postId = id
isRecursive? = true|false

# findByUsernameAndAssoc
action = findByUsernameAndAssoc
username? = username
assoc? = assoc_id
limit? = limit_count

# findRootByAssoc
action = findRootByAssoc
assoc = assoc_id
isRecursive? = true|false
limit? = limit_count