
Simple express handler for arrays of objects in CouchDB

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import expressCouchdbArraysofobjects from '';



This module implements an express handler that backs onto CouchDB for documents of particular structure: namely, those that contain an array of entries. The handler can be mounted with app.use() and provides endpoints for interacting with these objects and the database.

The handler can be instantiated simply as follows:

var arraysOfObjects = require('express-couchdb-arraysofobjects');
var express = require('express');

var app = express();
app.use('api', arraysOfObjects({
    databaseName: 'database',
    handlerName: 'somename'


Listed out, a document stored and retrieved by the handler looks as follows:

    "_id": "myId",
    "somename": [
            "entry": 123,
            "foo": "foo"
            "entry": 456,
            "foo": "baz"

The somename property above contain object which make up the various entries in our documents. The name matches the name of the handler which is also used as the overall property name when returning multiple documents when querying a database:

    "somename": [
            "id": "document1",
            "somename": [ ... ]
            "id": "document2",
            "somename": [ ... ]


The handler provides a number of endpoints to fetch all the objects, a single object and update a single objects.

GET /:db

Used to retrieve all documents in the database.

POST /:db

Used to submit documents in bulk to the database.

POST /_clear

An endpoint that will empty the database by marking all documents deleted.

This method requires the request to be confirmed by sending the following body:

    "confirmed": true

GET /:db/:documentId

Used to retrieve the document with matching CouchDB _id from the database.

POST /:db/:documentId

Use to update the document with a matching CouchDB _id from the database.

Error handling

CouchDB errors are returned by the handlers by setting a the HTTP status code and returning a body with an error property whose name is the error.

For example, should a document update conflict a 409 HTTP status code is returned while the body would be:

    "error": "Conflict"

Generic functionality

With objects in a standard format various other facilities are made available by the endpoints.

Formatting output

Supplying the optional format parameter query string to the GET endpoints will cause the output to be generated and downloaded automatically as the requested format. The following values are supported:

  • csv - output the data as comma separated text file
  • xlsx - output the data as an Excel XLSX file