
Express middleware to log each request and response

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import expressLogging from '';



Express middleware to log, using a configurable logger, each request and response.

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npm install express-logging

Basic usage

var express = require('express'),
    expressLogging = require('express-logging'),
    logger = require('logops');

var app = express();


Extended usage with options

An optional argument options can customize enhanced aspects for the logging. This argument is an object with the following elements:

  • blacklist is available to prevent some resources from being logged (for example, static resources). This argument is an array of strings. If the URL path starts with any of the elements of the blacklist array, then the logging of this request/response is ignored.
  • policy is a string to customize how the info is logged. It supports two values: message or params. The former serializes all the log entry into a single string message. The latter passes to the logger an object with the log entry parameters and a second argument with the message; this policy is useful in order to process these parameters by systems like logstash. The default value is message.

The following example would ignore any resource available at either /images or /html. It also activates the logging policy params.

var blacklist = ['/images', '/html'];
app.use(expressLogging(logger, {blacklist: blacklist, policy: 'params'}));


 Logging with default policy message

The request is logged with:'Request from %s: %s %s', clientIpAddress, requestMethod, requestUrl);

A response without Location header is logged with:'Response with status %d in %d ms.', responseStatusCode, duration);

A response with Location header is logged with:'Response with status %d in %d ms. Location: %s', responseStatusCode, duration, locationHeader);

Both response log entries include the duration of the whole transaction (between receiving the request until replying with the response).

 Logging with policy params

The request is logged with:

var params = {requestClientIp: requestClientIp, requestMethod: requestMethod, requestUrl: requestUrl};, 'Request from %s: %s', requestMethod, requestUrl);

A response without Location header is logged with:

var params = {responseStatusCode: responseStatusCode, responseDuration: duration};, 'Response with status %d', responseStatusCode);

A response with Location header is logged with:

var params = {responseStatusCode: responseStatusCode, responseDuration: duration, responseLocation: locationHeader};, 'Response with status %d', responseStatusCode);

Both response log entries include the duration of the whole transaction (between receiving the request until replying with the response).


Copyright 2015, 2016 Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo, S.A.U

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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.