
Generate a server-timing header for every request.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import expressMiddlewareServerTiming from '';



Automagic expressjs middleware performance monitoring.

There are many server-timing libraries out there for expressjs, but I couldn't find any that provided any out-of-the-box value.


npm install --save express-middleware-server-timing


const app = express()

// any time before `app.listen(...)`
require('express-middleware-server-timing')(app, [options])

The following table describes the properties of the options object.

Property Description Type Default
name name of the server timing metric String 'mw'
description description of the server timing metric String undefined
disabled set true if you want to disable Boolean false

A server-timing entry named <name> (with optional description of <description>) will be generated for every request that passes through express.

Manual instrumentation

serverTimingStart / serverTimingStop

To create a server-timing entry reporting the duration between two check points of the same response, try:

app.get(path, function (req, res, next) {
  res.serverTimingStart('foo', 'bar')

  // some time later, maybe in different middleware handler

  // ...

A header like this will be written to the response:

Server-Timing: foo; dur=[time in ms]; desc="bar"


To create a server-timing entry reporting the duration it took to execute a syncronous method, try:

app.get(path, function (req, res, next) {
  const result = res.serverTimingSync(function() {
    // slow syncronous code here
  }, 'slowMethod1', 'sometimes this method is slow')

  // ...

A header like this will be written to the response:

Server-Timing: slowMethod1; dur=[time in ms]; desc="sometimes this method is slow"

Browser Collection

For browsers that suport server-timing (Chrome 65+, Opera 52+), the entries can be accessed like this:

['navigation', 'resource']
  .forEach(function(entryType) {
    performance.getEntriesByType(entryType).forEach(function({name: url, serverTiming}) {
      serverTiming.forEach(function({name, duration, description}) {'expressjs middleware =',
          JSON.stringify({url, entryType, name, duration, description}, null, 2))

Conditionally disable (example: based on environment)

require('express-middleware-server-timing')(app, {
  disabled: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production'
