
Middleware for Express to secure endpoints with OAuth JWT Bearer tokens

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import expressOauthJwt from '';


Securing endpoints in Express with OAuth JWT tokens

Quality Availability

This library allows you to secure your Express endpoints with JWTs. The implementation uses a JWKS endpoint of an Authorization Server to get keys required for the verification of the token signature.

Running the example

  1. Download the code and install dependencies running npm i.
  2. In settings.js in the example directory set the URI of the JWKS endpoint exposed by the Authorization Server.
  3. Start the demo server with npm run example.
  4. The server exposes endpoints /secured/token, /secured/scope and /secured/claim which present different options of securing the endpoints.

Installing the dependency

Use npm to install the library in your project:

npm install express-oauth-jwt


Preparing the JWKS Service

The secure middleware needs a JWKS Service which is capable of retrieving any keys needed to verify the signature of the incoming token. To instantiate the service use the convenience method getSimpleJwksService, providing it with the JWKS endpoint URI.

const { getSimpleJwksService } = require('express-oauth-jwt');

const jwksService = getSimpleJwksService("");

The service will cache the obtained JWKS data in memory. If a key is encountered, which is not present in the cache the service will try to get new JWKS data from the endpoint. The request will fail only when the key is not found in the refreshed key store.

If you need more control over the service you can create it yourself providing it with:

  • a cache implementation
  • an https client
  • the JWKS endpoint URI
const { jwksService } = require('express-oauth-jwt');
const jwksServiceInstance = jwksService(cache, jwksUri, client);

The cache

The cache needs to be an object which exposes two asynchronous methods:

  • getKeyStore(): Promise<jose.JWKS.Keystore>
  • setKeyStore(keystore): Promise - keystore is of type jose.JWKS.Keystore

The default implementation keeps the value in memory.

The https client

This is the node native https client. Pass your instance of the client if you need to set any options.

Securing an endpoint

To secure an endpoint apply the secure middleware to it. Any endpoint with this middleware applied will require a valid JWT token sent in the Authorization header in the form Bearer <token_value>. The token, if valid, will be decoded and all its' claims will be set in the request in a claims field.

If the token does not pass validation, a 403 response will be returned. If no JWT token is found in the request, a 401 response will be returned. The response will have the WWW-Authenticate header set with detailed information on the error (as specified in the RFC 6750: The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework: Bearer Token Usage).

If you want the WWW-Authenticate to return a realm value, pass the middleware an options objects with the realm option set.

const { secure } = require('express-oauth-jwt');
router.use(secure(jwksService, { realm: 'my-realm' }));

The WWW-Authenticate header in the error response will then might look like this:

WWW-Authenticate: Bearer realm="my-realm", error="invalid_token", error_description="..."

Authorizing the request based on scopes

In order to limit the request to given scope values pass the middleware an options object with a list of strings in the scope field:

const secure = require('express-oauth-jwt');
router.use(secure(jwksService, { scope: ["scope1", "scope2"] }));

Authorizing the request based on claims

In order to limit the request based on the presence or value of concrete claims, pass the middleware an options object with a list of claims in the claims field. Each claim should be an object with at least the name field. Optionally you can set the value field. If only the name field is set then the validator checks whether the claim exists in the token. If value is set as well, then the value of the claim in the token must also match.

const secure = require('express-oauth-jwt');
router.use(secure(jwksService, { claims: [ { name: "someClaim", value: "withValue" } ] }));

Using Opaque tokens

This middleware uses JSON Web Tokens, which can be easily decoded offline into a JSON object containing claims about the user or client sending the request. But this is not always the case that JWT tokens are used for authorization. Sometimes the Authorization Server will issue an opaque token, which is just an identifier of the user's data, and the data itself is kept safely with the Authorization Server.

If you use opaque tokens for authorization then the token needs to be exchanged for data associated with it. It cannot be decoded, as the value of the token does not contain any data. In such situation, the best approach is to use the Phantom token approach - let your API gateway exchange the opaque token for a JWT. This way your service will always receive a JWT which can be decoded with the approach shown here.

You can find out more on the Phantom token approach in the Phantom Token Pattern article.

If you're using Curity Identity Server you can learn how to enable Phantom tokens with the help of this tutorial.

Access token claims in Request object

The secure middleware adds claims obtained from the access token into the Express request object, in the claims field. You can access these claims in any other middleware which is next in chain and in the controllers.

function getLibraryData(req, res) {
    if ( == 'someValue') {

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