
Connect/ express compatible roles and permissions based authorization layer.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import expressRbac from '';


Express authorization

Express-rbac is an Express-compatible roles and permissions authorization middleware for Node.js.

Express-rbac purpose is to provide traditional roles and permissions authorization to connect/ express applications, which it does through a middleware and a set of functions for runtime strategies. Using express-rbac is really simple. Only hook up the library to the express pipeline providing a callback function for loading the user roles and permissions. Once the library is hooked up on the pipeline, just use the 4 built in available handlers for route authorization, or the 4 functions added to the request object to be able to provide runtime strategies regarding the user's roles and permissions.


> npm install express-rbac



Theres an easy to follow and fully functionl example using Passport.js authentication in the "\examples" folder:
You can view it <here>


Before using express-rbac, the library should be initialized and hooked up to the pipeline.

var express = require('express');
var app = express();

 * Require the library
var auth = require('express-rbac');

 * Hook up the library to the express pipeline.
 * Be sure this is done AFTER authentication.
 * The callback function will receive the
 * request object. So if your authentication library
 * populates the request (like passport.js for example)
 * you could use its data on the function itself.
 * Once you load the user's roles and permissions, use them as a parameter for the done() callback.
  // Use this parameter for binding the library methods to a specified
  // object, instead of the req object itself. For example on passport.js
  // default implementation, the user information is stored in the 'user'
  // property, as specified on this particular example.
    bindToProperty: 'user'
  }, function(req, done) {
    // Get your users roles and/ orpermissions.
    var auth = {
        roles: ['Super Admin', 'User'],
        permissions: ['CanAddContent', 'CanRemoveContent']

Route handlers Authorization

The following route handlers for path authorization are provided.

auth.isInRole(string | number | array)

This method validates against one or more specified roles. If multiple roles specified, all should evaluate to true.

  auth.isInRole('Super Admin'),
  function (req, res) {

  auth.isInRole(['Super Admin', 'Content Editor']),
  function (req, res) {

auth.isInAnyRole(string | number | array)

This method validates against one or more specified roles. If multiple roles specified, only one should evaluate to true.

  auth.isInAnyRole('Super Admin'),
  function (req, res) {

  auth.isInAnyRole(['Super Admin', 'Content Editor']),
  function (req, res) {

auth.hasPermission(string | number | array)

This method validates against one or more specified permissions. If multiple permissions specified, all should evaluate to true.

  function (req, res) {

  auth.hasPermission(['canEditContent', 'canDeleteContent']),
  function (req, res) {

auth.hasAnyPermission(string | number | array)

This method validates against one or more specified roles. If multiple roles specified, only one should evaluate to true.

  function (req, res) {

  auth.hasAnyPermission(['canEditContent', 'canRemoveContent']),
  function (req, res) {

Runtime check and strategies

Express-rbac will register its four authorization check functions into the request object for providing runtime evaluation and authorization strategies.
Note: in case where the "bindToProperty" option is used, the functions will be registered to the request's specified object.
Note: this functions will only be available after hooking up the library to the pipeline.

 * Without bindToProperty
  function (req, res, next) {
      * All function are sync and return tue or false;
    var isAllowed = req.isInRole("Content Editor");
    var isAllowed = req.isInAnyRole(["Content Editor", "Auditor"]);
    var isAllowed = req.hasPermission(45);
    var isAllowed = req.hasAnyPermission(["canAddUser", "canUpdateUser"]);

 * With bindToProperty: user
  function (req, res, next) {
      * All function are sync and return tue or false;
    var isAllowed = req.user.isInRole("Content Editor");
    var isAllowed = req.user.isInAnyRole(["Content Editor", "Auditor"]);
    var isAllowed = req.user.hasPermission(45);
    var isAllowed = req.user.hasAnyPermission(["canAddUser", "canUpdateUser"]);


 > npm install
 > npm run test


  • Clone the repo
  • Make the required changes
  • Modify/ add tests where required
  • Ensure all tests succeed. npm run test
  • Create PR.


  • Hernan Bazzino


The MIT License

Copyright (c) 2017 Hernan Bazzino <GitHub> <LinkedIN>