
Turn light on/off based off of request activity, built targeting Raspberry Pi.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import expressRequestActivity from '';



Turn light on/off based off of request activity, built targeting Raspberry Pi.

How to use

Install the npm package:

npm install express-request-activity

Require and use the middleware:

const express = require('express');

// Requiring the middleware
const requestActivity = require('express-request-activity');

// This might be slightly different for you
// but incorporation into your express app
// should be similar
const app = express();

// Using the middleware
    // The physical pin on the raspberry pi the
    // light is connected to
    lightPin: 11,

    // The amount of time in milliseconds you want
    // the light to stay on before turning off on request
    // activity
    lightOnTimeInMs: 500

// The rest of your code...