
Express request checker extension.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import expressRequestChecker from '';



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Create request checker middleware for Express.

with express-request-checker, checking HTTP request's querybody or url params will be more easy and readable. All the works is just require express-request-checker in router.js which belongs to an Express project and config it. So it's no need to modify any other source file.

Since validation codes are written in a config-like way, router.js file will look like an API document, I hope that the communication cost within the development team can be reduced.

  • No validation codes.
  • router.js is also an API document.
  • Easy to combine with other validation package.

Quick Example(Javascript):

// router.js

var express          = require('express');
var reqCheckerModule = require('express-request-checker');

var reqChecker = reqCheckerModule.requestChecker;
var router = express.Router();

var options = {
  strict: false,  // Allow unexpected parameter. (true|false, DEFAULT: true)
  query: {        // Check req.query. (params|query|body)
    'param1': {
      matchRegExp: /^[0-9]{1}$/
    'param2': {
      isIn: [1, 2, 3],
      isOptional: true    // Optional parameter. (true|false, DEFAULT: false)
router.get('/path', reqChecker(options), handlerFunction);

module.exports = router;

Quick Example(CoffeeScript):


express          = require 'express'
reqCheckerModule = require 'express-request-checker'

reqChecker = reqCheckerModule.requestChecker
router = express.Router()

options =
  strict: false  # Allow unexpected parameter. (true|false, DEFAULT: true)
  query:         # Check req.query. (params|query|body)
      matchRegExp: /^[0-9]{1}$/
      isIn: [1, 2, 3]
      isOptional: true    # Optional parameter. (true|false, DEFAULT: false)
router.get '/path', reqChecker(options), handlerFunction

module.exports = router

Play with other modules

// router.js

var express          = require('express');
var reqCheckerModule = require('express-request-checker');

var reqChecker = reqCheckerModule.requestChecker;
var router = express.Router();

var validator = require('validator');
var options = {
  params: {
    'id': {
      assertTrue: validator.isInt
  body: {
    'email': {
      assertTrue: validator.isEmail
    'jsonData': {
      assertTrue: validator.isJSON
};'/user/:id', reqChecker(options), handlerFunction);

module.exports = router;

Checker Options Default Values

Option Default Value
strict true

Parameter Options Default Values

Option Default Value
isOptional false
assertTrue []
assertFalse []
matchRegExp []
isIn []
notIn []
isInteger null
isEmail null
isArray null
isIntegerArray null
equal null
greaterThan null
greaterEqual null
lessThan null
lessEqual null
allowEmpty false
minLength null
maxLangth null

Parameter Options


function, [function, function ...] or []. (DEFAULT: [] - No checker)
Using parameter in request as function(s)'s argument, if the function(s) return true,OK. Otherwise, NG.


option = {
  query: {
    param1: {
      assertTrue: [function(value) { return value > 10; }]


Opposite to assertTrue.


RegExp, [RegExp, RegExp ...] or []. (DEFAULT: [] - Don't check)
If the RegExp(s) test result is true, OK. Otherwise, NG.


option = {
  query: {
    param1: {
      matchRegExp: [/^[012]{1}$/, /^[234]{1}$/]


[value, value, ...] or []. (DEFAULT: [] - Don't check)
Values of parameter in request which are allowed.


option = {
  query: {
    param1: {
      isIn: [1, 2, 3]


Opposite to isIn.


true or false. (DEFALT:null - Don't care)
when true, The value of parameter in request must be an integer.
when false , The value of parameter in request must NOT be an integer.


option = {
  query: {
    param1: {
      isInteger: true


true or false. (DEFALT:null - Don't care)
when true, The value of parameter in request must be an correct email address.
when false , The value of parameter in request must NOT be an email address.


option = {
  query: {
    param1: {
      isEmail: true


true or false. (DEFALT:null - Don't care)
when true, The value of parameter in request must be an Array or stringified Array.
when false , The value of parameter in request must NOT be an Array or stringified Array.


option = {
  query: {
    param1: {
      isArray: true


true or false. (DEFALT:null - Don't care)
when true, The value of parameter in request must be an Array or stringified Array whose elements are all integers.
when false , The value of parameter in request must NOT be an Array or stringified Array whose elements are all integers.


option = {
  query: {
    param1: {
      isIntegerArray: true

equal / greaterThan / greaterEqual / lessThan / lessEqual

integer or null. (DEFALT:null - Don't care)
The value of parameter in request must be equal/greaterThan/greaterEqual/lessThan/lessEqual to the option value.


option = {
  query: {
    param1: {
      equal: 100


true or false. (DEFAULT: false)
when setted true, The value of parameter in request can be ''.
when setted true, The value of parameter in request can NOT be ''.


option = {
  query: {
    param1: {
      isEmpty: false

maxLength / minLength

integer or null. (DEFALT:null - Don't care)
Max/Min Length of the value of parameter in request.


option = {
  query: {
    param1: {
      minLength: 5,
      maxLength: 10


npm install express-request-checker


cd node_modules/express-request-checker
npm test
