
Express Route generator by js doc

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import expressRouteByJsdoc from '';


Comment your code for

  1. Route gerenerate.
  2. Create Swagger2 Doc.
  3. Tell you team what the code do.

npm install express-route-by-jsdoc


options = {
  route: { url: '/test/docs', docs: '/test/api-docs.json' },
  swaggerDefinition: {
    info: {
      description: 'description support [Markdown Syntax](',
      title: 'test npm',
      version: '1.0.0'
    host: 'localhost:3100',
    basePath: '/test/v1',
    produces: [
    schemes: ['http']
  basedir: __dirname, // app absolute path
  files: ['./src/a1/*.js'] // Path to the API handle folder


const express = require('express')
const app = express()
const erRouterGen = require('express-route-by-jsdoc')

const options = {
  swaggerDefinition: {
    info: {
      description: 'project description',
      title: 'test npm',
      version: '1.0.0'
    host: 'localhost:3100',
    basePath: '/test/v1',
    produces: [
    schemes: ['http','https']
  route: { url: '/test/docs', docs: '/test/api-docs.json' }, //swagger doc will show on  http://localhost:3100/test/docs
  basedir: __dirname, // app absolute path
  files: ['./src/a1/*.js'] // Path to the API handle folder

/* app.use(some middleware) */

erRouterGen(app, options)


With above code

Define Express Router with code comments

 * This function comment is parsed by doctrine
 * @route GET /api/get/userinfo/{userid}
 * @group foo - Operations about user
 * @param {string} userid.path.required - userid - eg: wisit
 * @returns {object} 200 - object of user info
 * @returns {Error}  default - Unexpected error
function customeMiddelware (req, res, next) {
  // logic
  // or res.send(...)
module.exports = customeMiddelware

Inspiration express-swagger-generator