
A tool for verifying and responding to Shopify webhook requests

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import expressShopifyWebhooks from '';



A custom middleware for express that verifies incoming Shopify webhook requests and allows you to add a custom callback methods for each webhook event.


npm install express-shopify-webhooks


  • Automatically sends a 403 response to any invalid webhook requests (i.e. no signature or invalid HMAC signature)
  • Auto-generates routes for each webhook resource/event pair (e.g. /webhooks/products/create, /webhooks/app/uninstalled, etc...)

In your server file (e.g. app.js), include express-shopify-webhooks, add your shopify_shared_secret, and provide the directory location of your webhooks method handlers:

# app.js
var express = require('express');
var path = require('path');

var app = express();

var shopifyWebhooks = require('express-shopify-webhooks');

app.use('/webhooks', shopifyWebhooks({
    directory: path.join(__dirname, '/webhooks_handlers'),
    shopify_shared_secret: 'YOUR_SHOPIFY_SHARED_SECRET'

Webhook files

When you specify a directory key in the configuration, the module will look for all javascript files in that directory and will map each of the exported methods to its own route.

The directories should follow a very simple convention. The module name should be the same as its resource and the module methods should have the same names as the events you want to handle.

For example, to create a method handler for the products/create webhook, simply create a products.js module (in the directory you specified above) and export a method named create. This will mount a callback function to the /webhooks/products/create url.

A method handler module will look like this:

# /webhook_handlers/products.js

# maps to: POST /webhooks/products/create
module.exports.create = function(req, res) {
    // create new product 

# maps to: POST /webhooks/products/update
module.exports.update = function(req, res) {
    // update product

# maps to: POST /webhooks/products/delete
module.exports.delete = function(req, res) {
    // delete device
# /webhook_handlers/app.js

# maps to: POST /webhooks/app/uninstalled
module.exports.uninstalled = function(req, res) {
    // remove shop from database or mark as inactive

Custom Middleware (optional)

To add custom middleware methods that run after webhooks have been verified but before the webhook handler methods have been fired, add an index.js file to the webhook handler directy you specified in

Please note that the name of the methods here to not matter. However, keep in mind that all methods in this index.js file will be mounted as middleware.

# /webhooks_handlers/index.js

    Shopify sometimes sends duplicate webhooks, this
    example middlware prevents webhooks from being 
    processed multiple times.
module.exports.preventDuplicateWebhooks = function(req, res, next) {
    var hmac = req.headers['x-shopify-hmac-sha256'];
    db.webhooks.getOrCreate(hmac, function(err, created) {
        if (err) return req.sendStatus(500); // let shopify know something went wrong
        if (created) return next(); // continue processing webhook
        req.sendStatus(200); // already processed, send 200 OK

If you need to run multiple middleware functions in a specific order, simply export a single array of functions.

# /webhooks_handlers/index.js

function middlewareOne(req, res) {};
function middlewareTwo(req, res) {};
function middlewareThree(req, res) {};

module.exports.customMiddleware = [

Configuration options


  • directory: directory to load custom webhook method handler files (required)
  • shopify_shared_secret: The Shopify app's shared secret, viewable from the Partner dashboard (required)
  • limit: Controls the maximum request body size. If this is a number, then the value specifies the number of bytes; if it is a string, the value is passed to the bytes library for parsing. Defaults to '100kb'. (optional)