
Compile and run JavaScript expressions safely

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import expressionRunner from '';


Expression Runner

Simple JavaScript expression compiler: given a JavaScript expression as a string, generates a function that evaluates the expression.

Install: npm install expression-runner


The following JavaScript syntax is allowed within compiled expressions:

  • literal tokens (strings, numbers, etc. but not regular expressions)
  • array and object literals (e.g. [1, 2], { a: 1 }, { a, b })
  • function literals (e.g. (a) => a + 1, but only using a single expression)
  • variables and property access
  • function and method calls
  • calculations with one or more operands, brackets, etc.
  • null-coalescing expressions using ?? and ?. operators
  • tertiary expressions (e.g. a ? b : c)
  • assignments (top-level only, e.g. a = 1, b += 2), but not ++ and --

Function calls may include calls to default functions (see list below), as well as 'safe' methods on strings, numbers, arrays, dates, and the RegExp test method; these do not modify anything other than the original value.

Multiple expressions

Multiple expressions are allowed, separated by semicolons OR newlines.

Only the result of the last expression is returned by the compiled function, however each intermediate result is available as $_ .

This allows for running a block of expressions, although branching and looping is not available (since statements are not compiled).

[3, 2, 1]
$ => "(" + i + ")")

The code above results in the string "(1),(2),(3)"

Usage: as single function

The easiest way to use this library is with the compile() method:

let myVars = { a: 1 };
const f1 = compile("a + 1");
let result = f1(myVars);
console.log(result)  // => 2

Expressions can also be assignments, but those cannot appear in the middle of another expression (e.g. not a = (b = 2) but b = 2 itself is allowed).

To allow assignments, pass true as the second argument to the compile function.

let myVars = {};
const f2 = compile("a = 42", true);
console.log(myVars.a)  // => 42

The final argument to the compile function can be used to pass additional functions that will be available within the compiled expression.

let check = 0;
const setCheck = (i) => { check = i };
const f3 = compile("set(42)", false, { set: setCheck });
console.log(setCheck)  // => 42


For manual compilation, especially if you do not want to make the default functions available or if you want to run the same expression multiple times within the same scope (variables), use the following exported classes:

  • class Compiler
    • Instantiate a compiler object with a given expression: new Compiler(expr)
    • Compile the expression to an intermediate form: ic = compiler.compile(); optionally, pass in true to allow assignments at the top level.
  • class Runtime
    • Use the static scopeFactory method to create a Runtime constructor that encapsulates the intermediate code: R = Runtime.scopeFactory(ic)
    • Instantiate this constructor, passing in (optional) variables and functions as an object: new R(vars, fns). This represents the 'scope' that the expression code will run in
    • Default functions are available as Runtime.functions
    • The Runtime object's run() method evaluates the expression, and returns its result: result =

Default functions

Other than 'safe' methods on strings, numbers, arrays, dates, and regular expressions (created using the regexp function, since regular expression literals are not allowed), the following 'global' functions are available within expressions.

  • Math functions: abs, floor, ceil, round, min, max, pow, sqrt, random
  • typeof(value) — result of typeof value in JavaScript
  • str(value) — convert to string
  • chr(value) — get string from character code (unicode)
  • parseFloat(value) — same as JavaScript parseFloat
  • parseInt(value) — same as JavaScript parseInt
  • isDefined(value) — returns true if value is not undefined or null
  • isArray(value) — same as JavaScript Array.isArray(...)
  • isObject(value) — returns true if value is a plain object
  • keys(object) — same as JavaScript Object.keys(...)
  • merge(...objects) — returns a new object with all properties from given objects
  • concat(...arrays) — returns a new array with all elements from given arrays
  • sort(array, [compareFn]) — returns a copy of the array that is sorted; the comparison function is optional, a default is provided that works well for both strings and numbers
  • sortBy(arrayOfObjects, propertyName) - returns a copy of the array that is sorted by the property with given name
  • reverse(array) — returns a copy of the array in reverse order
  • range(start, length) — returns an array of numbers starting with start, of given length
  • toJSON(value) — same as JavaScript JSON.stringify(...)
  • parseJSON(string) — same as JavaScript JSON.parse(...)
  • regexp(patternString, [flags]) — same as JavaScript new RegExp(...)
  • match(string, patternString, [flags]) — same as JavaScript string.match(...)
  • date(...values) — same as JavaScript new Date(...)
  • dateUTC(y, m, ...d) — same as JavaScript new Date(Date.UTC(y, m, ...))
  • now() — same as JavaScript (i.e. returns a number)
  • encodeURI(string) — same as JavaScript encodeURI(...)
  • encodeURIComponent(string) — same as JavaScript encodeURIComponent(...)