
SQS-powered offline tasks

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import exquisite from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/exquisite';



SQS-powered offline tasks. xsqst.


var exquisite = require("exquisite");

var worker = exquisite({
  name: "test",   // queue name; if a queue does not exist with this name it will
                  // be created
  maxAttempts: 10 // optional
}, function(task, callback) {
  console.log("worker #1:", task);

  return setTimeout(callback, 5000);

// stop a worker from receiving new tasks

// start up a 2nd consumer
  name: "test" // queue name; if a queue does not exist with this name it will
               // be created
}, function(task, callback) {
  console.log("worker #2:", task);

  return setTimeout(callback, 2500);

// queue management functions are also exposed

// get the current status of the queue (NOTE: these are approximate values)
worker.queue.getLength(function(err, total, active) {});

// queue a task
  foo: "bar"
}, {
  maxAttempts: 2
}, function(err) {});

// delete the queue
worker.queue.delete(function(err) {});

When creating a queue, maxAttempts may be provided (if not, it defaults to 10) as an upper limit on the number of attempts an individual task may request. This is used internally to configure dead letter queues, which is where payloads from failed tasks are sent. The name of the dead letter queue will be <name>_failed and the AWS credentials provided must have sufficient permission to create said queue if it hasn't already been created with default settings.

Tasks will be re-queued when the worker's callback is passed an Error (as the first argument). Tasks will be executed up to maxAttempts times (which defaults to 1; attempts are determined according to SQS's ApproximateReceiveCount attribute, which will be incremented when viewing queue contents in the AWS console). If your worker experiences a reproducible error when processing a task, your best option is to mark the task as complete and log the error elsewhere rather than continuing to let it fail.

To manage a queue:

var queue = require("exquisite")({
  name: "test"

setInterval(function() {
  queue.getLength(function(err, total, active) {
    console.log("Queue length: %d (%d active)", total, active);
}, 1000).unref();

var taskCount = 50;
var status = setInterval(function() {
  if (taskCount-- > 0) {
      foo: "bar",
      date: new Date()
    }, {
      maxAttempts: 2
  } else {
}, 100);

process.on("SIGINT", function() {
  console.log("Deleting queue");



exquisite uses aws-sdk under the hood, so all configuration methods for that also apply here. We typically use environment variables (see below).

Environment Variables

  • AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID - An AWS access key with sufficient permission to create and delete queues as well as send, receive, and update messages (specifically visibility).
  • AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY - Secret access key.
  • AWS_DEFAULT_REGION - AWS region to use. Defaults to us-east-1.