
Export Sentry issue events to CSV

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import exsentry from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/exsentry';



Quickly export CSV files from your Sentry Issue events. Just provide the authentication details, issueId and fieldMap.


npm install -g exsentry

By typing this command you ask your OS system to install a package in global mode on your computer some errors may happen due to some permissions, feel free to check how to allow the global installation of a nodejs package according to your OS system.

Note - If you have npm@5.2.0 or later, you can run exsentry without installing by calling npx exsentry export <mapFile> [options]


Config files

Map File

exsentry requires you to have a map file that contains information about what Sentry issue you want to export the events of. The format of that file is as follows:

module.exports = {
    issueId: 1111111,
    csvExport: {
        file: 'default_output.csv',
        includeHeaders: true,
        fieldMap: {
            csvFieldName2: function(item){
                return item.dot.notation.to.response.property.toUpperCase()

issueId is the Sentry id for the issue you'd like to export.
csvExport.file The default output file.
csvExport.includeHeaders [boolean=true] Indicates whether you want headers to be printed in your CSV.
csvExport.fieldMap [object] The keys of this object will become fields in your CSV file. If you provide a string value for a field, exsentry will find the target property and populate your CSV with that. If you provide a function, exsentry will call that function for every event in your issue with that event as only input to the function. The output will be used in the generation of the field value.

.exsentry.json Config file

The credentials for use against Sentry could be specified as input parameters to the exsentry command. One could also add a .exsentry.json file in the same folder as your mapfile, to store your access config. It has this format:

    "auth_key": "xxxx",
    "dsn": "https://sentry.io"

Initializing with defaults

You don't have to manually create these files.

exsentry init <mapFile>

This command will generate a skeleton mapFile and .exsentry.json file. Be careful though, this command overwrites files of the same name with no warning.

Command Line Interface for export

exsentry export <mapFile> [options]

Export Sentry issue events to csv

  mapFile  The map file driving the csv export                        [required]

  --help       Show help                                               [boolean]
  --version    Show version number                                     [boolean]
  --dsn, -d    Sentry server to connect to
  --token, -t  Authentication Token
  --out, -o    Specify output file
  --open, -x   Open the csv afterward