
A customizable tic tac toe built on React. You can customize:

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import extensibleReactTicTacToe from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/extensible-react-tic-tac-toe';



A customizable tic tac toe built on React. You can customize:

  1. the size of the board.
  2. the number of players on the board and their symbols.
  3. the number of consecutive strokes required to get a win.

Additional features include a complete move history table, wherein you can undo/redo the moves, goto a specific move in the history, as well as a neat highlight indicating when a player won.

A custom view of the extensible tic tac toe:

custom image

Special thanks to Create React App for helping me focus on the code and abstracting away the initial setup of the localhost server and dependencies! Also to the introductory reactjs.org tutorial for the index.css files!