
A utility library delivering some additional utility functions.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import extensionProps from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/extension-props';



A utility library delivering some additional utility functions.


npm install extension-props
# or
yarn add extension-props


You can use this utilities by two way:

  • Use utility functions through the provided objects likes ObjectType, ArrayType, ClassType, FunctionType, RegexType, StringType. (Recommend)

    const {
    } = require('extension-props');
  • Load additional utility functions into global objects likes String, Function, Object, Array, RegExp.



  • forInstance(str): checks whether v is a string.
    • Variations:
      • StringType.forInstance(str)
      • String.forInstance(str)
  • isBlank(str): return true, if v string is blank.
    • Variations:
      • StringType.isBlank(str)
      • String.isBlank(str)
  • isNotBlank(str): return true, if v string is not blank.
    • Variations:
      • StringType.isBlank(str)
      • String.isBlank(str)
  • isEmpty(): checks a string is empty.
    • Variations:
      • StringType.valueOf(str).isEmpty()
      • String.prototype.isEmpty()
  • isNotEmpty(): checks a string is not empty.
    • Variations:
      • StringType.valueOf(str).isNotEmpty()
      • String.prototype.isNotEmpty()
  • equals(another): checks a string is equals with another string.
    • Variations:
      • StringType.valueOf(str).equals(another)
      • String.prototype.equals(another)
  • equalsIgnoreCase(another): checks a string is equals with another string on the basis of content of the string irrespective of case of the string.
    • Variations:
      • StringType.valueOf(str).equalsIgnoreCase(another)
      • String.prototype.equalsIgnoreCase(another)
  • replaceAll(str, search, replacement): returns a new string with all matches of a pattern replaced by a replacement.
    • Variations:
      • StringType.replaceAll(str, search, replacement)
      • String.replaceAll(str, search, replacement)
      • StringType.valueOf(str).replaceAll(search, replacement)
      • String.prototype.replaceAll(search, replacement)
  • replacePlaceholders(str, map): returns a new string with all matches of each key in the map replaced by its value.
    • Variations:
      • StringType.replacePlaceholders(str, map)
      • String.replacePlaceholders(str, map)
      • StringType.valueOf(str).replacePlaceholders(map)
      • String.prototype.replacePlaceholders(map)


  • forInstance(func): checks whether f is a function.
    • Variations:
      • FunctionType.forInstance(func)
      • Function.functionForInstance(func)
  • defineFunction(name, prototype): define a function with dynamic name.
    • Variations:
      • FunctionType.defineFunction(name, prototype)
      • Function.defineFunction(name, prototype)
      • FunctionType.valueOf(prototype).defineFunction(name)
      • Function.prototype.defineFunction(name)
    • name: is the name of the function.
    • prototype (option): is a function that determines the content of the function being created.
    • returns a function.
  • isCallable(func): checks whether f function is callable.
    • Variations:
      • FunctionType.isCallable(func)
      • Function.isCallable(func)
  • isNormalFunction(func): checks whether f is a normal function, that means that f is not an async function nor an arrow function.
    • Variations:
      • FunctionType.isNormalFunction(func)
      • Function.isNormalFunction(func)
  • isAsyncFunction(func): checks whether f is an async function.
    • Variations:
      • FunctionType.isAsyncFunction(func)
      • Function.isAsyncFunction(func)
  • isSyncFunction(func): checks whether f is a sync function (negative of isAsyncFunction).
    • Variations:
      • FunctionType.isSyncFunction(func)
      • Function.isSyncFunction(func)
  • isArrowFunction(func): checks whether f is an arrow function.
    • Variations:
      • FunctionType.isArrowFunction(func)
      • Function.isArrowFunction(func)
  • isNonArrowFunction(func): negative of isArrowFunction.
    • Variations:
      • FunctionType.isNonArrowFunction(func)
      • Function.isNonArrowFunction(func)
  • clone(): clone a function.
    • Variations:
      • FunctionType.valueOf(func).clone()
      • Function.prototype.clone()


  • forInstance(cls): checks whether c is a class.
    • Variations:
      • ClassType.forInstance(cls)
      • Function.classForInstance(cls)
  • defineClass(name, superclass, prototype): define a class with dynamic name.
    • Variations:
      • ClassType.defineClass(name, superclass, prototype)
      • Function.defineClass(name, superclass, prototype)
      • ClassType.valueOf(superclass).defineClass(name, prototype)
      • Function.prototype.defineClass(name, prototype)
    • name: is the name of the class.
    • superclass (option): specify a super class.
    • prototype (option): is a function that determines the content of constructor of the class being created.
    • return a class.
  • isES6Class(cls): checks whether c is an es6 class.
    • Variations:
      • ClassType.isES6Class(cls)
      • Function.isES6Class(cls)
  • preventInheritingClass(obj, classDefinition, except): prevent inheriting class.
    • Variations:
      • ClassType.preventInheritingClass(obj, classDefinition, except)
      • Object.preventInheritingClass(obj, classDefinition, except)
      • ClassType.valueOf(obj).preventInheritingClass(classDefinition, except)
      • Object.prototype.preventInheritingClass(classDefinition, except)
    • obj: is an instance of subclass of classDefinition class.
    • classDefinition: is a superclass.
    • except (option): is white list, designate classes that are allowed to inherit.
    • throw a OverridingError exception, if obj is an instance of a class, and it is not allowed to inherit the classDefinition class.
    • return false, if obj is an instance of a class, and it is not subclass of classDefinition class.
    • return true, if obj is an instance of a class, and it is allowed to inherit the classDefinition class.
    • Recommended: Put this function into the constructor.
  • preventOverrideFunction(obj, classDefinition, functions): prevent overriding of functions.
    • Variations:
      • ClassType.preventOverrideFunction(obj, classDefinition, functions)
      • Object.preventOverrideFunction(obj, classDefinition, functions)
      • ClassType.valueOf(obj).preventOverrideFunction(classDefinition, functions)
      • Object.prototype.preventOverrideFunction(classDefinition, functions)
    • obj: is an instance of subclass of classDefinition class.
    • classDefinition: is a superclass.
    • functions: is an array of functions need to prevent override.
    • throw a OverridingError exception, if obj contains a function, and it is not allowed to override in the subclass of the classDefinition class.
    • return false, if obj is an instance of a class, and it is not subclass of classDefinition class.
    • return true, if no function is prevented, it is contained in subclasses.
    • Recommended: Put this function into the constructor.


  • getAllPropertyNames(obj): returns an array of all properties of a given object.
    • Variations:
      • ObjectType.getAllPropertyNames(obj)
      • Object.getAllPropertyNames(obj)
  • getAllPropertyDescriptor(obj, prop): returns a property descriptor for a property of a given object.
    • Variations:
      • ObjectType.getAllPropertyDescriptor(obj, prop)
      • Object.getAllPropertyDescriptor(obj, prop)
  • getAllPropertyDescriptors(obj): returns an array of all property descriptors of a given object.
    • Variations:
      • ObjectType.getAllPropertyDescriptors(obj)
      • Object.getAllPropertyDescriptors(obj)
  • isBlank(obj): return true, if obj = undefined or obj = null.
    • Variations:
      • ObjectType.isBlank(obj)
      • Object.isBlank(obj)
  • isNotBlank(obj): return true, if obj != undefined and obj != null.
    • Variations:
      • ObjectType.isNotBlank(obj)
      • Object.isNotBlank(obj)


  • forInstance(reg): checks whether v is a regex.
    • Variations:
      • RegexType.forInstance(reg)
      • RegExp.forInstance(reg)
  • escape(str): escape regex expression special characters.
    • Variations:
      • RegexType.escape(str)
      • RegExp.escape(str)
  • matchWords(str): create a regex string for checks match with the words in str string.
    • Variations:
      • RegexType.matchWords(str)
      • RegExp.matchWords(str)


  • forInstance(arr): checks whether v is a array.
    • Variations:
      • ArrayType.forInstance(arr)
      • Array.forInstance(arr)
  • isBlank(arr): return true, if v array is blank.
    • Variations:
      • ArrayType.isBlank(arr)
      • Array.isBlank(arr)
  • isNotBlank(arr): return true, if v array is not blank.
    • Variations:
      • ArrayType.isNotBlank(arr)
      • Array.isNotBlank(arr)
  • isEmpty(): checks a array is empty.
    • Variations:
      • ArrayType.valueOf(str).isEmpty()
      • Array.prototype.isEmpty()
  • isNotEmpty(): checks a array is not empty.
    • Variations:
      • ArrayType.valueOf(str).isNotEmpty()
      • Array.prototype.isNotEmpty()
  • equals(another): checks a array is equals with another array.
    • Variations:
      • ArrayType.valueOf(str).equals(another)
      • Array.prototype.equals(another)
  • virtualGet(index): get value at index. You will still get a value even if the index is out of bounds.
    • Variations:
      • ArrayType.valueOf(str).virtualGet(index)
      • Array.prototype.virtualGet(index)
  • insert(index, ...elements): insert elements into the specified position.
    • Variations:
      • ArrayType.valueOf(str).insert(index, ...elements)
      • Array.prototype.insert(index, ...elements)
  • lastIndexOf(element): returns the last index at which a given element can be found in the array, or -1 if it is not present.
    • Variations:
      • ArrayType.valueOf(str).lastIndexOf(element)
      • Array.prototype.lastIndexOf(element)