
Webpack loader for requiring external files instead of building them

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import externalLoader from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/external-loader';


external loader for webpack


Documentation: Using loaders

var url = require("external-loader!./file.json");
// => emits a require to ./file.json on filesystem, and adds it to external resources
// => returns `require("/project/path/file.json")`

If name param is provided, resouce is copied to public directory, just like file-loader.

You can specify module system explicitly by setting libraryTarget param.

You can override publicPath by setting publicPath param.

Filename templates

If running with copy=1 parameter, external resource is copied to the public directory.

You can configure a custom filename template for your file using the query parameter name. For instance, to copy a file from your context directory into the output directory retaining the full directory structure, you might use ?name=[path][name].[ext].

Filename template placeholders

  • [ext] the extension of the resource
  • [name] the basename of the resource
  • [path] the path of the resource relative to the context query parameter or option.
  • [hash] the hash or the content
  • [<hashType>:hash:<digestType>:<length>] optionally you can configure
    • other hashTypes, i. e. sha1, md5, sha256, sha512
    • other digestTypes, i. e. hex, base26, base32, base36, base49, base52, base58, base62, base64
    • and length the length in chars
  • [N] the N-th match obtained from matching the current file name against the query param regExp


// => require("public_path/0dcbbaa701328a3c262cfd45869e351f.script.js")

// => require("./foobar/0dcbbaa701328a3c262cfd45869e351f.script.js")

// => require("/path/to/project/javascript.js");


MIT (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)