
A BigInt can represent whole numbers larger than 2⁵³ - 1.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import extraBigint from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/extra-bigint';


A BigInt can represent whole numbers larger than 2⁵³ - 1.
📦 NPM, 😺 GitHub, 🏃 RunKit, 🌔 Minified, 📜 Files, 📰 JSDoc, 📘 Wiki.

Stability: Experimental.

const bigint = require("extra-bigint");
// import * as bigint from "extra-bigint";
// import * as bigint from "https://unpkg.com/extra-bigint@0.0.60/index.mjs"; (deno)

// 3


Name Action
is Checks if value is a BigInt.
isPrime Checks if value is prime.
floorDiv Gives value ≤ x/y.
ceilDiv Gives value ≥ x/y.
abs Gives absolute value.
sign Gives sign of value.
rem Gets remainder of x/y with sign of x (truncated division).
mod Gets remainder of x/y with sign of y (floored division).
modp Gets remainder of x/y with +ve sign (euclidean division).
sqrt Gives square root of value.
cbrt Gives cube root of value.
root Gives nth root of value.
hypot Gives length of hypotenuse.
log2 Gives base-2 logarithm of value.
log10 Gives base-10 logarithm of value.
min Gives smallest value.
max Gives largest value.
range Gives smallest and largest value.
lcm Gives least common multiple of values.
gcd Gives greatest common divisor of values.
hcf Gives highest common factor of values.
sum Gives sum of values (Σ).
product Gives product of values (∏).
arithmeticMean Gives arithmetic mean of values.
geometricMean Gives geometric mean of values.
harmonicMean Gives harmonic mean of values.
cubicMean Gives cubic mean of values.