
The bit is a basic unit of information in information theory, computing.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import extraBitMin from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/extra-bit.min';


The bit is a basic unit of information in information theory, computing. This package includes bit twiddling hacks by Sean Eron Anderson and many others.
:package: NPM, :smiley_cat: GitHub, :running: RunKit, :vhs: Asciinema, :moon: Minified, :scroll: Files, :newspaper: JSDoc, :blue_book: Wiki.

Stability: Experimental.

This is browserified, minified version of extra-bit.
It is exported as global variable bit.
CDN: unpkg, jsDelivr.

const bit = require("extra-bit");
// import * as bit from "extra-bit";
// import * as bit from "https://unpkg.com/extra-bit@1.0.50/index.mjs"; (deno)

// 3 (111 ⇒ 3)

bit.parity(8, 2);
// 2 (10,00 ⇒ 10)

bit.swap(6, 1, 0);
// 5 (110 ⇒ 101)

// 65535 (0x0000FFFF)

bit.signExtend(15, 4);
// -1


Method Action
get Gets a bit.
set Sets a bit.
toggle Toggles a bit.
swap Swaps bit sequences.
scan Finds index of first set bit from LSB.
count Counts bits set.
parity Finds n-bit parity.
rotate Rotates bits.
reverse Reverses all bits.
merge Merges bits as per mask.
interleave Interleaves bits of two int16s.
signExtend Sign extends variable bit-width integer.