
Some extra functions to work with jest testing framework

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import extraJest from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/extra-jest';



Some extra functions to work with jest testing framework


  • Node.js ≥ 8.9.0



  • xjest is an alias of module extra-jest
  • jsYaml is an alias of module js-yaml
  • fsTreeUtils is an alias of module fs-tree-utils


type DumpFunction<X> = (x: X, options?: jsYaml.DumpOptions) => string
type TestFunction<X> = (x: X, options?: jsYaml.DumpOptions) => () => void

declare function mkfn<X> (fn: DumpFunction<X>, defaultOptions?: jsYaml.DumpOptions): TestFunction<X>

This function is used to created xjest.snap.* functions below.


declare function unsafe (x: any, options?: jsYaml.DumpOptions): () => void
declare function safe (x: any, options?: jsYaml.DumpOptions): () => void
declare function pureSafe (x: any, options?: jsYaml.DumpOptions): () => void
declare function pureUnsafe (x: any, options?: jsYaml.DumpOptions): () => void
declare function noRefs (x: any, options?: jsYaml.DumpOptions): () => void

Create jest snapshots but in YAML format.


  • xjest.snap.unsafe dumps JavaScript objects before writing to snapshot.
  • xjest.snap.safe safely dumps JavaScript objects before writing to snapshot.
  • xjest.snap.pureUnsafe is xjest.snap.unsafe without default options.
  • xjest.snap.pureSafe is xjest.snap.safe without default options.
  • xjest.snap.noRefs is xjest.snap.unsafe with self references.

Default Options:

namespace defaultOptions {
  export const skipInvalid = true
  export const sortKeys = true
  export const noRefs = false
  export const noCompatMode = true


type PromiseFunc<X, Y> = (x: X) => Promise<Y>
type SyncFunc<X, Y> = (x: X) => Y
type SetupFunc<Y> = () => Promise<Y>
type TeardownFunc<X> = (x: X) => Promise<void>
type CalledFunc<X, Y> = PromiseFunc<X, Y>
type SyncCalledFunc<X, Y> = SyncFunc<X, Y>
type Tester = () => Promise<void>
type AsyncTesterFactory<SM, MT> = (fn: CalledFunc<SM, MT>) => Tester
type SyncTesterFactory<SM, MT> = (fn: SyncCalledFunc<SM, MT>) => Tester

interface Config<SY, TX> {
  readonly setup: SetupFunc<SY>
  readonly teardown: TeardownFunc<TX>

type TesterFactory<SM, MT> = AsyncTesterFactory<SM, MT> & {
  forAsync: AsyncTesterFactory<SM, MT>,
  forSync: SyncTesterFactory<SM, MT>

declare function createFactory<SM, MT> (config: Config<SM, MT>): TesterFactory<SM, MT>

Creates a TesterFactory<SM, MT> from a config: Config<SM, MT>.


  • config.setup: A function that runs before main test.
  • config.teardown: A function that runs after main test.


  • A TesterFactory<SM, MT> is both a namespace and a function, it has the same effect as TesterFactory<SM, MT>::forAsync.
  • A TesterFactory::forAsync is a function, it creates a Tester from fn: CalledFunc<SM, MT>.
  • A TesterFactory::forSync is a function, it creates a Tester from fn: SyncCalledFunc<SM, MT>.
  • A Tester can be passed into jest test functions as a test function (second argument).


  • xjest.setupTeardown.createFactory
  • xjest.setupTeardown.default


interface Info {
  readonly tree: Tree.Write.Node
  readonly container: string
  readonly previousWorkingDirectory: string

interface Factory {
  readonly info: Info
  readonly apply: base.TesterFactory<Info, void>

declare function createFactory (tree: fsTreeUtils.Tree.Write.Node, container?: string): Factory


  • tree: Specifies directory structure of target directory.
  • container (optional): Intended target directory, default to random name in os.tmpdir() folder.


  • Factory::info: Contains some information that might be useful (see interface Info).
  • Factory::apply: Takes an async function and returns a Tester.


type SpawnFunc = (argv: string[], options: SpawnSyncOptions) => SpawnSyncReturns<string | Buffer>
declare function snap (fn: SpawnFunc, argv?: string[], options?: SpawnSyncOptions): () => void

Create a function that creates a snapshot from result of process execution.


  • fn: A function that calls spawnSync.
  • argv (optional): Additional arguments.
  • options (optional): Options to pass to spawnSync.
  • snap (optional): Snap function to use.


  • A function that makes snapshots from process execution result.


  • xjest.snapSpawn.snap.default


Like xjest.snapSpawn.snap above but with command: string as the first parameter instead of fn: SpawnFunc.


MIT © Hoàng Văn Khải