
A simple module to send alerts to via Telegram, Messenger, Skype or Slack, via https://EZAlert.me API

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import ezalertmejs from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/ezalertmejs';



A simple module to send alerts to via Telegram, Messenger, Skype or Slack, with https://EZAlert.me API

What is EZAlert.me

EZAlert.me is a service to easily push alert messages from your Apps to a selected number of users via standard Istant Messages services, like Telegram, Facebook Messenger and Skype, or via Slack.

EZAlert.me is very easy to use because you just have to call a REST API. Anyway this module makes it even easier because you only have to import it and use the sendAlert() function.

How EZAlert.me works

Create an account o EZAlert.me and get a distribution channel. Each channel has an API key and a start code. You must send your start code to EZAlert.me bot to let it know you want to receive messages from that channel: add EZAlert.me bot on your Telegram, Messenger or Skype app, and start a conversation with it by sending the start command (detailed instructions available at https://ezalert.me/help ). After you joined your channel, you are ready to broadcast alerts from your app to your channel calling EZAlert.me REST Api with this module.

How to use this module

ezalertmejs module will get your channel API key from environment, so be sure to define it before launching Node, like


Sending an alert is very easy, just import the module and call sendAlert() method:

const ezalertme = require('ezalertmejs')

ezalertme.sendAlert('Houston, we have a problem!')

If you don't want to use EZALERTME_APIKEY env variable, you can specify API key at runtime. Add it as second argument of sendAlert() method:

const ezalertme = require('ezalertmejs')

ezalertme.sendAlert('Houston, we have a problem!','My EZAlert.me API key')


This module is available on npm. Install it with:

npm i ezalertmejs