
Simple logger function that takes care of prefixes and colored output.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import ezlog from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/ezlog';



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Simple logger module that takes care of prefixes and coloured output.



npm install ezlog


prefix_options = [text, [color], [style]]

Where text is a string or object to use as a prefix, color is an optional color and style is an optional style string or an array of style strings.

text_options = [text, [color], [style]]

Where text is a string or object to use as a prefix, color is an optional color and style is an optional style string or an array of style strings.

new Ezlog(prefix_options, t: text_options)

Creates an instance to call in order to log.


  • Multiple style properties: ['bold', 'underline']. Or just one: 'bold'
  • 9 Colors
    • white
    • grey
    • black
    • blue
    • cyan
    • green
    • magenta
    • red
    • yellow
  • 5 Styles (if supported by your OS its termininal)
    • bold
    • italic
    • underline
    • inverse
    • strikethrough


var Ezlog = require('Ezlog');

var log = new Ezlog(
  ['[main test]', 'green', ['underline', 'bold']],
  ['blue', 'bold']

log({a: 'b'});

log('one', 'two');

Which should result in the following:

  • [main test] hello
  • [main test] world
  • [main test] {"a":"b"}
  • [main test] one
  • [main test] two

Where [main test] will be styled bold and underlined green (if your OS its terminal supports it). And hello, world, {"a":"b"}, one and two will be styled bold blue.

When you pass two arguments to the Ezlog instance, it will result in two separate console.log calls.