
async, easy and fast mysql requests

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import eznodemysql from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/eznodemysql';


Easy MySQL requests

Promise based, easy and fast methods for MySQL requests.

npm install --save eznodemysql


const SQL = new (require('eznodemysql'));

// Wait for connecting
await SQL.connect(host, port, user, password, database_name);

// Fast syntax
let all_rows = await SQL.get('table_name');
let one_row = await SQL.get('table_name', "name=? AND id>?", ['unesca"pe%d param', 5]);

// Raw requests
let custom_one_row = await SQL.one("SELECT * FROM users WHERE name=?", ['unesca"ped param']);
let custom_all_rows = await SQL.all("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id>?", [5]);

Bulk insert and update

All rows insert or update in one query, thats extremly fast. Method accepts array of rows to insert or update. Main feature: you can set unique\primary column like a id and row will be updated instead of insert. Also, you can write update condition in last parameter

let rows = [
        name: 'Bob',
        sex: 1
        name: 'Kate',
        sex: 2,
        // That field will be serialized
        categories: [
            'cats lover',
            'hello kitty'
    // That will be updated, instead of insert, if id=177 exists, cause 'id' is unique field
    // Missed field 'categories' will be filled by default mysql value
        id: 177,
        name: 'Potter',
        sex: 1

// Insert all non-unique rows, and update other only if column sex=1
await SQL.BulkUpdate('table_name', rows, ['not_update_these_field'], 'sex=1']);

// or just
await SQL.BulkUpdate('table_name', rows);

That is very convenient, if you get columns add or update some in array and save again:

let rows = await SQL.selectAll('users');

rows[177].name = 'Harry Potter';
rows.push({name: 'Adam', sex: 1});

await SQL.BulkUpdate('users', rows);

One row will be inserted and one will be updated. Missed columns fill with default (mysql) values.

Good practice is use unique fields in mysql


BulkUpdate generate the request:

INSERT IGNORE INTO table(columns...) VALUES (row1col1,row1col2, ...), (row2col1,row2col2,...) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE updated_field=IF(update_condition, value, old_value), ...
  • with default values for missed columns
  • with serialization for objects
