
Make your functions async without the need of doing it in the same Function

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import fAsyncResolver from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/f-async-resolver';



Make your functionas async.

This module is made so you can make your funcions async and return a value without the need of having it in the same function. For example returning an answer from a server in a WebSocket connection.


npm i f-async-resolver


const async = require('f-async-resolver').resolver;
const resolver = new async();


Awaiting for a Number

const async = require('f-async-resolver');
const resolver = new async.resolver();
function number() {
    return new Promise(solver => {
        resolver.await('number', solver);

number.then(number => {

setTimeout(() => {
    resolver.resolve('number', 15);
}, 1000);

Output (1 Second after running the Code) 
> 15

Awaiting for WebSockets message.

const async = require('f-async-resolver');
const resolver = new async.resolver();
const WebSocket = require('ws');

class database {
    constructor(IP) {
        this.ws = new WebSocket('ws://');  // Connects to a Server.
        this.ws.onopen = this.onopen.bind(this);         // Simple function Bind.
        this.ws.onmessage = this.onmessage.bind(this);   // Simple function Bind.
    onopen() {
    get() {
        return new Promise(solver => {                  // Returns a Promise and makes 'solver' to solve.
                type: 'getDatabase'
            });                                          // Sends a message to the Server
            resolver.await('getDB', solver);             // Sets label and function to Solve.
    onmessage(msg) {
        resolver.resolve('getDB', msg);                  // Solves 'getDB' label with msg value.

const connection = new database('ws://');
connection.get().then(msg => {
    console.log('Awaited for ' + msg);                   // Shows the message Recieved.