
FocustApps Linter Pkg

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import faLinter from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/fa-linter';



  1. Install yarn it just works better... But mostly because running fix with these linters with npm maybe not work.

  2. Install yarn add -s fa-linter

  3. Run npx falint init to initiate the package

How to Use

After initiating the package, make sure you set which directories you would like to run the tests within in the .falintconfig file in the root of your project.

Set the proper ESLint settings in the .eslintrc file in the root of your project. Example: JS vs TS settings


Run $ npx falint to find ES and CSS errors

CSS Linting

Run $ npx falint css to find only CSS errors

Run $ npx falint css:fix to auto-fix available errors and find remaining CSS errors

NOTE: Styled-Components and RN-CSS errors cannot be autofixed do to constraints of the plugins. Those errors will need to fixed manually.

ES Linting

Run $ npx falint es to find only ES errors

Run $ npx falint es:fix to auto-fix available errors and find remaining ES errors