
This is a short script using the NodeJS OpenCV bindings to detect faces on images and sort them accordingly.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import facesort from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/facesort';



This is a short script using the NodeJS OpenCV bindings to detect faces on images and sort them accordingly.

It's not perfect and you may have to experiment with the different cascade files provided by OpenCV.


Install via npm: sudo npm install -g facesort OR clone repo, do a npm install and npm link

(node-opencv needs OpenCV -- on MacOS this works perfectly using Homebrew: brew tap homebrew/science && brew install opencv)


Sorts images with faces. Usage: facesort -i [path]

  -i, --in        Path of the directory containing the files          [default: "."]
  -f, --face      Path images containing faces should be moved to     [default: "./face"]
  -n, --noface    Path images containing NO faces should be moved to  [default: "./noface"]
  -p, --parallel  Maximum number concurrent face detections           [default: 10]
  -c, --cascade   Cascade file to use                                 [default: "haarcascade_frontalface_default"]
  -l, --list      Prints a list of available cascade files
  -h, --help      Shows this help


Every hour my webcam snaps a picture. Sometimes I'm not at my desk, so there are quite a few pictures without me, that sucks! Sorting them manually sucks, too. AUTOMATE EVERYTHING.
