
This is a number of react components I am building to support Faiyt.dev application and any other websites that I might build beyond that.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import faiytUiComponents from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/faiyt-ui-components';


Faiyt's UI Compoennts

This is a number of react components I am building to support Faiyt.dev application and any other websites that I might build beyond that.


It includes the following component types.

  • controls
  • inputs
  • layout
  • type
  • utilities

These components are to be designed as modular as possible to allow them to be reused and styled as needed for each of the projects requirements.

Technologies Used

Project Setup


Running the storybook can be done

  • Runs Storybook: npm run storybook
  • Builds copy of storybook: npm run build-storybook

Linking to local

  1. npm link in main project directory
  2. npm link faiyt-ui-components in other project root directory.