
Locally hosted reimplementation of AWS Simple Notification Service for HTTP(S) endpoints

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import fakeSns from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/fake_sns';



Locally hosted reimplementation of AWS Simple Notification Service for HTTP(S) endpoints


  • There is no authentication, signature verification, or proper signing of subscription confirmations
  • Because there is no authentication, all topics and subscriptions are assumed to be owned by a predetermined account ID
  • Permissions are unimplemented
  • Only the http and https endpoints are implemented


  • Installation: npm install -g fake_sns
  • Start: $ fake_sns
  • Options:
  • --port PORT, -p PORT: The port number to use (default: 443)
  • --region REGION, -r REGION: The region used when creating topic ARNs (default: "us-east-1")
  • --account-id ACCOUNT_ID, -a ACCOUNT_ID: The AWS account ID used when creating topic ARNs (default: 123456789012)
  • --topic-limit TOPIC_LIMIT, -l TOPIC_LIMIT: The limit of topics allowed (default: 100)
  • --subscribe-hostname SUBSCRIBE_HOSTNAME, -s SUBSCRIBE_HOSTNAME: The hostname used to form the subscription confirmation URL (default: localhost)