
Create a promise that can be resolved and rejected outside of it

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import fakedPromise from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/faked-promise';


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Create a promise that can be resolved and rejected programatically outside of it

It basically extracts the resolve and reject callbacks so you can call them whenever you need. ⚠️ The promise can only be resolved once, it's still a regular Promise after all.


npm i faked-promise


faked-promise exports one single function that takes no arguments and returns an array with 3 elements:

  • A real promise
  • Its resolve callback
  • Its reject callback

Meaning you can control exactly when the promise is resolved or rejected:

const fakePromise = require('faked-promise')

const [promise, resolve, reject] = fakePromise()
promise.then(() => {})
resolve('any value')
