
Build presentations from Markdown

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import fantik from '';


Fantik Build Status Node.js 8+

Create Presentation Slides From Markdown

Fantik is a simple wrapper that allows you to create presentation slides from Markdown.

Plugins support (only reveal.js for now).


Subsection slides support.

Enable --watch feature, edit your slides in your favorite IDE and let Fantik rebuild HTML slides upon saving.


There are 2 ways how Fantik can be installed: Binary Executable and NPM. The installation via NPM is rather optional way since it is not so convenient as Binary Executable which is preferrable way.

Binary Executable

Go to release page and download binary executable for your platform. This option allows you to run fantik with all default configuration files are included to the binary and without Node.js installed on your system.

If you don't want to specify path before binary name when executing fantik, then put binary to any path from ${PATH} (e.g. /usr/local/bin)


npm install fantik
# or globally
npm install -g fantik


$ ./fantik --help
Usage: fantik [options] [command]

Build presentations from Markdown

  -V, --version            output the version number
  -h, --help               output usage information

  build [options] <input>  builds html presentation from markdown
  list                     list available plugins

$ ./fantik build --help
Usage: fantik build [options] <input>

builds html presentation from markdown

  --plugin <plugin>  which plugin to use (default: "reveal.js")
  --config <config>  custom configuration (yaml) to use
  --out <output>     output path (default: input name as inputname.html)
  --watch            keep watching for presentation and build output as soon as presentation is changed (default: false)
  -h, --help         output usage information


It is possible to override/change default configuration by specifying custom yaml file with --config option for build subcommand.

Custom Configuration

Available options:

  • markers.slidegroup - define slide group marker (default: >>>slidegroup)
  • markers.slide - define slide marker (default: >>>slide)
  • stylesAppend - list of styles to be appended to selected plugin
  • scriptsAppend - list of JS scripts to be appended to selected plugin
  • stylesOverride - list of styles to override the selected plugin
  • scriptsOverride - list of JS scripts to override the selected plugin

NOTE: if both ...Append and ...Override options are specified, then ...Append option takes place.

Custom Configuration Example
  - '<link href="https://host/custom.css" rel="stylesheet">'
  - |
      section, .reveal h1, .reveal h2, .reveal h3, .reveal h4, .reveal h5, .reveal h6 {
        font-family: 'Oswald', sans-serif !important;

  - '<script src="https://host/custom.js"></script>'
  - |
      const msg = 'Hello';

  slidegroup: '***slidegroup'
  slide: '***slide'


# Creating slides
$ cat <<EOF | tee slides.tmd


# Presentation Name


# Agenda


### Slide 1


### Slide 2

$ ./fantik build slides.tmd

# Open slides.html in your favorite browser

Building Binaries

You can build binary for Linux/Windows and use Fantik without Node.js installed.

# building binaries
npm install                 # install dependencies
npm run build-binaries
ls -lh bin/                 # list built binaries


Got tired of making presentation lectures in plain HTML (despite using reveal.js and its markdown support) copying layout structure over and over again. Hopefully it helps making presentation faster, lighter and transferring styling from lecture to lecture easier.


  1. Other presentation engines support (like impress.js, eagle.js)
  2. PDF export
  3. Markdown to HTML (for frameworks that don't support Markdown)
  4. Additional arguments support for slidegroup and slide classes (to be able to style per slidegroup/slide)
  5. Autodetection of the latest Reveal.js version
  6. Offline slides (downloads slides framework locally and links it)
  7. Use more efficient watch alternative
