
--- sidebar_position: 1 title: Introduction ---

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import fastSimonSdk from '';


sidebar_position: 1 title: Introduction

JavaScript SDK Library

For developer seeking to integrate the best E-commerce collections, filters, search, personalization and merchandising into their Frontend


The following document is for web developers seeking to utilize Fast Simon’s cloud service for Search, Collections and product recommendations. By using the described JavaScript SDK web developers can easily retrieve data to populate their search, collections and product recommendations.

Pre Installation Steps

  1. Go to Filters & Instant Search App Dashboard.
  2. Choose the Sync tab on the left.
  3. Main Settings > turn on "Use REST API".


CDN Global Script

<script src="" async/>

NPM Package (Recommended)

npm install fast-simon-sdk

Initialization - CDN

Insert the following script at the head of your site as an async script after the original script injection

// using a cdn script will bind FastSimonSDK to window
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () {
        storeID: 123, // store-id,
        uuid: "this-is-my-uuid", // uuid
        type: "SPA", // multi page application ("MPA") or single page application("SPA") (for reporting)
        onReady: () => {
            // do stuff

Initialization - NPM Package

import {FastSimonSDK} from "fast-simon-sdk"

// using a cdn script will bind FastSimonSDK to window
    storeID: 123, // store-id,
    uuid: "this-is-my-uuid", // uuid
    type: "SPA", // multi page application ("MPA") or single page application("SPA") (for reporting)
    onReady: () => {
        // do stuff

Full Docs can be found here: