
Simplify development of fastify-secrets plugins

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import fastifySecretsCore from '';


Fastify Secrets (core)


Simplify development of fastify-secrets plugins

This module is intended for developers implemeting fastify-secrets plugins, not for developers using fastify-plugin in their fastify projects


npm install --save fastify-secrets-core


fastify-secrets-core simplifies development of fastify-secrets plugins and ensures that all plugins implements the same api.

Each plugin must only provide a simple client that interacts with the secrets storage and fastify-secrets-core will glue it to fastify.


Create a new fastify plugin by calling buildPlugin and providing a client class or constructor and options that will be forwarded to fastify-plugin.

buildPlugin will return a fastify plugin that can be exported.


const { buildPlugin } = require('fastify-secrets-core')
const Client = require('./client')

const plugin = buildPlugin(Client, {
  name: 'fastify-secrets-example'


The client that needs to be provided to fastify-secrets-core should implement this methods:

  • constructor
  • async get(ref) (required) This will be called to fetch a single secret identified by reference. It's up to the implementation what ref is.
  • async close() (optional) This method will be called, if present, when the plugin is done fetching the secrets to give a chance to implementations to close any connection or run any teardown code. No further calls to the get method will be run after close.


This is a basic client implementation that reads secrets from process.env

class Client {
  constructor() {
    console.log('client contructor')

  async get(ref) {
    return process.env[ref]

  async close() {
    console.log('client close')

Resulting plugin

The resulting plugin can be registered directly in fastify. These are the available options:

  • secrets (required). A non-empty object representing a map of secret keys and references. The plugin will decorate fastify with a secrets object with the same keys as this option but will replace the references with the actual values for the secret as fetched with client.get(reference)
  • namespace (optional). If present, the plugin will add the secret values to fastify.secrets.namespace instead of fastify.secrets.
  • concurrency (optional, defaults to 5). How many concurrent call will be made to client.get. This is handled by fastify-secrets-core and it's transparent to the implementation.
  • clientOptions (optional). A value that will be provided to the constructor of the Client. Useful to allow plugin users to customize the plugin.

The plugin will also expose the original Client for uses outside of fastify (i.e. db migrations and scripts)


Assuming a plugin is built as per the previous examples, it can be used as

fastify.register(plugin, {
  namespace: 'db',
  concurrency: 5,
  secrets: {
    user: 'PG_USER',
    pass: 'PG_PASS'
  clientOptions: {
    optional: 'value'

await fastify.ready()





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