
File churn metric generator for projects using Git

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import fchurn from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/fchurn';



File churn is a great way to see that a part of your application might be modified too often. This can indicate issues like a "god module/class" or logical pieces are too tightly coupled, making the software harder to change over time.

FChurn (File Churn) helps get a quick read on which files are seeing the most development and which are being created and then left alone.


Be sure you have a current version of Node.js installed.

To install:

npm install -g fchurn


Open a terminal window (terminal, powershell, cmd.exe, etc.) in a folder containing a git repository.

Run: fchurn.

For a full list of options, run fchurn --help.

Help Output

fchurn [--help][--flag value]

Flag options:

  • fileName

    • Value: file name string
    • Description: Get the churn for all files matching file name string
  • help

    • Value: none
    • Description: display help info
  • json

    • Value: none
    • Description: Display churn metrics in JSON format
  • showTop

    • Value: Number of churn records to show
    • Description: Show the top X churned files
  • snapshotDayCount

    • Value: Number of days to include in the churn snapshot
    • Description: Build a churn snapshot of the past X days


Show the 10 files with the highest churn over the last 30 days

fchurn --showTop 10 --snapshotDayCount 30

Show the churn of the package file over the past year

fchurn --fileName "package.json" --snapshotDayCount 365