
fetching (downloading) video by uri, using wget or hls-fetch for .m3u8 to specified outfile

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import fetchVideo from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/fetch-video';



m3u8 HLS Stream or video file url downloading to mp4 file with autodetect of url type


npm i fetch-video


  const { download } = require('fetch-video');
  const downloader = download(url, filename, requestOptions);
  downloader.on('progress', progress => console.log(`Current progress ${progress}`));
  downloader.on('speed', speed => console.log(`Current speed ${speed}`));
  downloader.on('stats', console.log.bind(console));
  downloader.go() // Promise returned 
    .then(() => console.log(`video stream or file ${url} is downloaded and stored as the ${filename}`));

download(url, filename, requestOptions) => downloader

url - url of your video file or m3u8 playlist

filename - filename path to which you want save the video. Can be stream. If undefined - then dev-null stream used.

requestOptions - request options

downloader.go() => Promise

Launches downloading and Promise being resolved on finish.


Immediately aborts downloading

downloader.on(name, handler)

Subscribe for event. Currently it supports two events:

  • progress => sending progress percents as payload
  • speed => sending current speed in bytes per second as payload
  • stats => sending full stats about progress
  • lastSegmentStats => stats about time, size and speed of last segment
  • response => time elapased between request started and headers got