
is a visual editor for dataflow programming

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import flowView from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/flow-view';



is a visual editor for dataflow programming

flow view Simpsons example


Using npm

With npm do

npm install flow-view

Using a CDN

Try this in your HTML page

<script type="module">
  import { FlowView } from 'https://unpkg.com/flow-view';

  const flowView = new FlowView();



Try demo here.

  • Drag on canvas to translate all items.
  • Click on item to select it.
  • Click while pressing SHIFT to enable multi selection.
  • Drag selected items to translate them.
  • Drag from a node output to a node input to create an edge.
  • Press BACKSPACE to delete selected items.
  • Double click on canvas to open the selector.
  • Type into the selector then press ENTER to create a new node.


Create a FlowView instance and pass it a container argument. It will create a flow-view custom element and attach it to the container. If no argument is provided, default container will be document.body. Be aware that the flow-view custom element will fit the whole height of its container, so make sure to style properly to avoid a zero height container.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <script type="module">
      import { FlowView } from 'https://unpkg.com/flow-view';

      const flowView = new FlowView({ container: document.body });

If some flow-view custom element is already in the page, it can be passed to a FlowView instance via the element argument.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <flow-view id="my-view"></flow-view>

    <script type="module">
      import { FlowView } from 'https://unpkg.com/flow-view';

      const flowView = new FlowView({ element: document.getElementById('my-view') });

Add a list to define which nodes are available. It makes sense to be provided in the majority of use cases.



Get flow-view node by id.

const node = flowView.node('abc');


Get flow-view edge by id.

const edge = flowView.edge('abc');


Access current flow-view graph.


loadGraph({ nodes = [], edges = [] })

Load a flow-view graph.

  nodes: [
      id: "dad",
      label: "Homer",
      x: 60,
      y: 70,
      outputs: [{ id: "children" }],
      id: "mom",
      label: "Marge",
      x: 160,
      y: 70,
      outputs: [{ id: "children" }],
      id: "son",
      label: "Bart",
      x: 60,
      y: 240,
      inputs: [{ id: "father" }, { id: "mother" }],
      id: "daughter",
      label: "Lisa",
      x: 220,
      y: 220,
      inputs: [{ id: "father" }, { id: "mother" }],
  edges: [
    { from: ["dad", "children"], to: ["son", "father"] },
    { from: ["dad", "children"], to: ["daughter", "father"] },
    { from: ["mom", "children"], to: ["son", "mother"] },
    { from: ["mom", "children"], to: ["daughter", "mother"] },


Empty current graph.


newNode() and newEdge()

Create nodes and edges programmatically. See programmatic example here.

// Create two nodes.

const node1 = flowView.newNode({
  label: "Hello",
  inputs: [{}, {}],
  outputs: [{ id: "output1" }],
  x: 100,
  y: 100,
  width: 80,
const node2 = flowView.newNode({
  label: "World",
  inputs: [{ id: "input1" }],
  width: 100,
  x: 250,
  y: 400,

// Connect nodes with an edge.
  from: [node1.id, "output1"],
  to: [node2.id, "input1"],

deleteNode() and deleteEdge()

Delete nodes and edges programmatically. Notice that when a node is deleted, all its connected edges are deleted too.

const nodeId = 'abc';
const edgeId = '123';



React to flow-view changes. See demo code here.

Callback signature is ({ action, data }, info) => void, where

  • action can be CREATE_NODE, DELETE_NODE, ecc
  • data change based on action
  • info can contain { isLoadGraph: true } or other optional information.

Just take advantage of autocompletion and suggestion provided by typings definitions.
