
A simple and straight-forward wrapper around forms that works as you would expect

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import formalization from '';



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A simple and straight-foward wrapper around forms that works as you would expect. Fully customizable and able to handle files and images, using formdata.


npm install --save formalization


import * as React from 'react';

import { Form, Input, Group, Text, When, Value } from 'formalization';

export default function App () {
    const onSubmit = (data) => {
        //handle data

    const validateEmail = (value) => {
        if (/*validation fails*/) {
            return "Email not valid";

    return (
        <Form onSubmit={onSubmit}>
            <Group name="user">
                <Input name="email" validates={validateEmail} />
                <div className="error-message">
                    <Error name="email" />

                <Input name="name" />

            <Toggle name="newsletter" />

            <When name="newsletter">
                Thank you for signing our newsletter <Value pathname="" />

            <Text name="message" />



The core component of the form, this handles, gathers and set the data. If you return false from the onChange/onSubmit, it will clear the form, if you return any data, it will adjust the form accordling, if you return null, nothing happens.


name requirement type description
data optional [Object, function (newValue)] A useState array that will be used to interact with an outer object, don't switch between using a controlled state data and uncontrolled
initialData optional Object Initial state of the form data
file optional boolean Changes the result of the onChange/onSubmit to a FormData
onChange optional function (data) Function that returns the data when the form is updated
onSubmit required function (data) Function that returns the data when the form is submitted
onError optional function (data) Function that returns errors messages given
validateOnChange optional boolean Enable callback calls and updates on change, instead of submit


Group component allow you to nest data inside of objects


name requirement type description
name required string The key that this object will be recognized inside of the form result


Displays error messages from the component linked


name requirement type description
name required string The name that this component will print errors from

Input | Text | File | Select | Toggle

The form input that handles each type in a specific way, since toggle has some "peculiarities", we handle him separatedly from the input.


name requirement type description
name required string The key that this object will be recognized inside of the form result
onChange optional function (data, htmlnode) Callback that let's you know when this component has changed value
filters optional Array<function (data) => any> An array that can modify the value before it's handled to the form itself


In case you are using another package or you want to build a component that interacts with the form, you can use the wrapper for this. You can use the filters prop to alter the value cleanly.


name requirement type description
name required string The key that this object will be recognized inside of the form result
value required any The value that will be inserted into the form
setValue required function (newValue) This is required so formalization can set the data innerly
filters optional Array<function (data) => any> An array that can modify the value before it's handled to the form itself


You can use this component to display a value from inside of the form without having too much issue about it. You need to use name or pathname.


name requirement type description
name optional string The name of the key relative to the position in the form
pathname optional string The absolute path to the key and it's name
default optional any Default value to be displayed in case there is a null value
filters optional Array<function (data) => any> An array that can modify the value before it's handled to the form itself


This component allows you to conditionally display it's children based on the condition given. You need to use name or pathname.


name requirement type description
name optional string The name of the key relative to the position in the form
pathname optional string The absolute path to the key and it's name
when required boolean or function (value) => boolean The condition that prevents the children from appearing


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