

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import freepiMonorepo from '';


FreePI, Free API Library


This is a library designed to give rapid and easy access to a variety of free APIs found on the internet. It's purpose is to give developers a simple way to get placeholder text, json, or test their application's network connectivity without needing to create their own services or write boilerplate code to access the APIs. It also removes the need to remember the various endpoints associated with the APIs by abstracting http requests to simple class methods.

This Library also serves as a way to document and collect various free apis which can speed development without frequently needing to return to the source documentation.

This Library is created as a MonoRepo with each individual wrapper and project existing as a separate package. It uses Lerna to bootstrap and symlink the packages as well as for managing version control. This means that every tool included in this library can be downloaded separately. It takes inspiration from the Jest, Babel, and React in it's organization.

How to Use:

Simply install the library and import the API wrapper you wish to use. Alternatively, each wrapper can be downloaded individually using the @freepi/ notation.

APIs Supported:


APIs To Be Supported:

Unsplash Lorem Ipsum Generator

Other Features:

Features a standalone core library with several handy services to aid in rapid development of APIs for either FreePI or your own API wrapper projects. Including a a custom request library based on Axios.

Platforms Supported:


Linting and Formatting Rules

Uses Eslint and Prettier. Contributors should use Prettier to format their code before submitting. Linting and formatting rules can be found in the respective .eslintrc.json and .prettierrc files.