
A module that will literally kick all your files to a remote FTP server

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import ftpkick from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/ftpkick';



Simply a module that kicks your folder out the door and up onto your FTP server of choice. If you don't like the word "kick", then you're allowed to silently replace it with "deploy" in your mind.

$ npm install ftpkick


var ftpkick = require('./index');

var args = {
  host: 'mytesthost',
  user: 'developer',
  password: 'supersecret'

ftpkick.connect(args).then(function(kicker) {
  console.log('Uploading to /myfolder');
  kicker.kick('./build', '/myfolder').then(function() {
    console.log('Successfully uploaded to /myfolder');
  }, function(e) {
    console.log('Failed to upload', e);


ftpkick.connect(parameters) -> Promise

Connection parameters are directly passed on to the ftp package, so go look there for docs.

The .connect function returns a promise of an FTPKickConnection object with just one method:

FTPKickConnection#kick(localDirectory, targetDirectory) -> Promise

As you might've guessed, the localDirectory is the directory you want to kick while the targetDirectory is the target where all your files hopefully will land.

The method returns a promise, that will resolve on success and reject on failure