
Parse double brackets link in markdown

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import gatsbyRemarkDoubleBracketsLink from '';



Transform [[Link to page]] into [Link to page](titleToURL('Link to page')).

An example site for using this plugin is at


npm install gatsby-remark-double-brackets-link


Add the plugin to your Gatsby config:

  resolve: `gatsby-plugin-mdx`,
  options: {
    gatsbyRemarkPlugins: [
        resolve: `gatsby-remark-double-brackets-link`,

Resolving the URL

By default, the plugin will resolve the url with:

(title: string) => {
  const segments = title.split('/')
  const slugifiedTitle = slugify(segments.pop() as string)
  return `${segments.join('/')}/${slugifiedTitle}`

You can override this behavior by passing a titleToURLPath option pointing to a JavaScript exporting a function receiving the title as argument and returning a string.

For example:

// resolve-url.js
const slugify = require('slugify')
module.exports = (title) => `/${slugify(title)}`

// gatsby-config.js
    resolve: `gatsby-plugin-mdx`,
    options: {
      gatsbyRemarkPlugins: [
          resolve: `gatsby-remark-double-brackets-link`,
          options: {
            titleToURLPath: `${__dirname}/resolve-url.js`

By default, the plugin will keep the brackets in the link name. You can change this behavior by passing a stripBrackets options.


By default, the plugin will ignore Wiki style links (eg. [[Internal link|With custom text]]).

To parse them, pass parseWikiLinks as an option.