
A full featured cookie consent plugin which meets GDPR, DSGVO and other requirements.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import gdprCookieConsentBanner from '';


GDPR Cookie Consent Banner 🍪

Demo page with examples

A full featured, small (8K) and easy to use library to show a cookie consent banner on your website. It is fully tested and GDPR/DSGVO ready.

In use by this companies/people:


npm install gdpr-cookie-consent-banner

The Why

The company I've been working at had several discussion with their data protection officer. In Germany and the EU we must do so called "opt-in" for all cookies. After several weeks we came up with the following requirements: fully opt-in without any preselected options (or option to preselect), a easy to enhance plugin and simple cookie controls for customizability. The search began and very soon I have recognised that there is no solution that fits all or only solutions that match one case or the many that do the same. Most of the "gdpr complient" plugins had bad code, to difficult to change the HTML, CSS or had no hooks to customize events. So that is why I created this.

How it works

By default this plugin will create a banner with a functional capability, those are for initial hide the banner and save user choices. If you add capabilities by yourself you need to add this capability again, because they will not be merged with your config.

For the most, the example configuration with Google Analytics may be enough but if you need to customize it feel free to do so. The plugin can be used for everything related to cookies with consent opt-in/out. Go to the advanced section to find out more.

How to use

Examples (those you see in the demo) can be found here: src/docs/components/consent(2)

NOTE: you must set all attributes like checked and disabled in JS as well, this plugin does not save your default settings nor override HTML attribute values for you.


  <link rel="stylesheet" href="/path/to/cookie-consent.css" />
  <script async defer src="/path/to/cookie-consent.umd.js"></script>
    aria-label="Edit your cookie settings"
    <div class="info">
      <div class="title">Your Cookie Controls</div>
      <div class="description">
        This displays the plugin with its default configuration.
    <div class="choices">
      <label class="choice" htmlFor="choice-functional2">
        <input type="checkbox" name="choice:functional" id="choice-functional2" checked />
        <div class="name">Functional</div>
    <div class="buttons">
      <button class="reject">Reject choices</button>
      <button class="accept">Accept choices</button>
    aria-label="Show the cookie settings again"
    <img src="/assets/cookie.svg" alt="A shield which represents privacy" />


/* to modify cookies use this static class */
const Coookie = CookieConsent.cookie

window.consent = new CookieConsent({
  /* options */



Same as in UMD build.


import CookieConsent from 'gdpr-cookie-consent-banner'
// or
const CookieConsent = require('gdpr-cookie-consent-banner')

/* to modify cookies use this static class */
const Coookie = CookieConsent.cookie

window.consent = new CookieConsent({
  /* name: "my-consent-name" */


Option Default Type Description
name cookie-consent string The name of your cookie.
banner src/lib/consent.js@defaultOptions HTMLElement The banner html element.
notice src/lib/consent.js@defaultOptions HTMLElement The notice html element.
linkOnly false boolean If the notice is a link or should be a floating element.
onRejectEnd src/lib/consent.js@defaultOptions Function Called when all onReject events ran.
onAcceptEnd src/lib/consent.js@defaultOptions Function Called when all onAccept events ran.
capabilities see Advanced Capability[] Capabilities you want to apply.

NOTE: When you add capabilities you will override the defaultOptions.capabilities. When you don't need them OK but if you need the functionality from the functional capability copy it yourself into your code → src/lib/consent.js@defaultOptions.


Option Default Type Description
name functional string Capability name. Must match with checkbox name convention of choice:<name>.
checked true boolean Initial state of the checkbox. Must match with input attribute checked.
onReject (CookieConsent) => {...} Event A callback if this capability gets rejected.
onAccept (CookieConsent) => {...} Event A callback if this capability gets accepted.
onUpdate (CookieConsent, params) => {...} Event A callback if this capability gets updated.
onValueChanged (CookieConsent, params) => {...} Event A callback if this capability value has changed.


Have a look at the demo to see advanced functionalities in action or the source of it, which you can find in src/docs. The docs are written in preact so the actual consent component lives in components and includes a full Google Analytics example.

Every event hook has acccess to the CookieConsent instance and all its functions. Some others also provide params. Below is a list of what is available with examples.


Inside CookieConsent lives a static class with some utilities to work with cookies. Here is a list of all functions, also have a look at the Google Analytics example below.

  • set(...): set/create a new cookie
    • name
    • value
    • domain
    • path
    • maxAge (default: 7)
    • secure
    • sameSite (default: Lax)
  • get(...): get a cookie by its name
    • name
  • getAll(): get all cookies
  • find(...): find a cookie that match given string/regex
    • regex: string or regex, e.g. g_ or /^g_/g
  • delete(...): delete a cookie by its name and options
    • name
    • domain
    • path
  • deleteAll(): deletes all cookies
    • domain
    • path
  • clear(thatMatch, withOptions): clear all cookies that match given string/regex
    • regex: string or regex, e.g. g_ or /^g_/g
    • domain
    • path



Is called when the user gives consent or not.


const onConsent = (consent) => {
  const choices = consent.getChoices()
  consent.saveUserOptions({ choices, consented: true })



const onRejectEnd = (consent) => {



const onAcceptEnd = (consent) => {
  const choices = consent.getChoices()
  consent.saveUserOptions({ choices })



const onReject = (consent) => {



const onAccept = (consent) => {
  consent.saveUserOptions({ consented: true })


Triggers when the choice is updated

  • consent (CookieConsent): src/lib/consent.js
  • choice (Choice): user choice for this capability


const onUpdate = (consent, { choice }) => {
  console.log('Value is:', choice)


Triggers when the value has changed

  • consent (CookieConsent): src/lib/consent.js
  • choice (Choice): user choice for this capability


const onValueChange = (consent, { choice }) => {
  console.log('Value is:', choice)

Future ideas

  • Create plugin system, so Google Analytics does not need to be setup by someone itself
  • Option to create the banner without defining the HTML somewhere
  • Allow notice to be just a link


Google Analytics

This is an example of a working Google Analytics configuration (as seen in the docs).

window.onload = function() {
  window.consent = new CookieConsent({
    capabilities: [
        name: 'functional',
        checked: true,
        onAccept: (consent) => {
          consent.saveUserOptions({ consented: true })
        name: 'analytics',
        checked: false,
        onReject: () => {
          if (CookieConsent.cookie.find('_g')) {
            CookieConsent.cookie.clear('_g', '.' + window.location.hostname, '/')
        onAccept: () => {
          if (CookieConsent.cookie.find('ga-disable')) {
          const gaAddress = ''
          ;(function(i, s, o, g, r, a, m) {
            i['GoogleAnalyticsObject'] = r
            ;(i[r] =
              i[r] ||
              function() {
                ;(i[r].q = i[r].q || []).push(arguments)
              (i[r].l = 1 * new Date())
            ;(a = s.createElement(o)), (m = s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0])
            a.async = 1
            a.src = g
            m.parentNode.insertBefore(a, m)
          })(window, document, 'script', gaAddress, 'ga')
          ga('create', 'UA-XXXXXX-XX', window.location.hostname)
          ga('set', 'forceSSL', true)
          ga('set', 'anonymizeIp', true)
          ga('send', 'pageview')
  aria-label="Edit your cookie settings"
  <div class="info">
    <div class="title">Your Cookie Controls</div>
    <div class="description">Paste some info for your users here.</div>
  <div class="choices">
    <label class="choice" for="choice-functional">
      <div class="name">Functional with a very long long long long long</div>
    <label class="choice" for="choice-analytics">
      <input type="checkbox" name="choice:analytics" id="choice-analytics" />
      <div class="name">Analytics</div>
      <p class="info">Google Tag Manager will be enabled here.</p>
  <div class="buttons">
    <button class="reject">Reject choices</button>
    <button class="accept">Accept choices</button>
  aria-label="Show the cookie settings again"
  <img src="/assets/cookie.svg" alt="Cookie icon" />