
This generates an API focused Flask app that is proconfigured for Google AppEngine

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import generatorFlagae from '';


generator-flagae NPM version Build Status Dependency Status Coverage percentage

This generates an API focused Flask app that is proconfigured for Google AppEngine

This is currently very basic and would be improved overtime


First, install Yeoman and generator-flagae using npm (we assume you have pre-installed node.js).

npm install -g yo
npm install -g generator-flagae

Then generate your new project:

yo flagae

Features & Roadmap

  • Appname - [Implemented]
    • Remember to underscorify appname to avoid Python errors [Implemented]
  • Pip install after generator runs [Implemented]
  • AppEngine ID [Implemented]
  • Include MkDocs documentation [Implemented]
  • Include example api code [Implemented]
  • Choose base frontend library/framework - React, AngularJS, Plain HTML [In Progress]
    • Include & configure boilerplates for each option.
    • React
    • AngularJS
    • Plain
  • Include extensible base classes that assist in building APIs faster
  • Include authentication


The base of the application was scaffolded based on the appengine-flask-skeleton. The frontend boilerplate is based on this gulp-frontend-template


Apache-2.0 © Yekeen Ajeigbe