This generates an API focused Flask app that is proconfigured for Google AppEngine
This is currently very basic and would be improved overtime
First, install Yeoman and generator-flagae using npm (we assume you have pre-installed node.js).
npm install -g yo
npm install -g generator-flagae
Then generate your new project:
yo flagae
Features & Roadmap
- Appname - [Implemented]
- Remember to underscorify appname to avoid Python errors [Implemented]
- Pip install after generator runs [Implemented]
- AppEngine ID [Implemented]
- Include MkDocs documentation [Implemented]
- Include example api code [Implemented]
- Choose base frontend library/framework - React, AngularJS, Plain HTML [In Progress]
- Include & configure boilerplates for each option.
- React
- AngularJS
- Plain
- Include extensible base classes that assist in building APIs faster
- Include authentication
The base of the application was scaffolded based on the appengine-flask-skeleton. The frontend boilerplate is based on this gulp-frontend-template
Apache-2.0 © Yekeen Ajeigbe