
This project is about gathering all the best tools to start a frontend project

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import generatorFrontendBestPracticeBoilerplate from '';


Generator of FrontEnd Best Practices as a boilerplate

Since so many people are trying to start a frontend project, this generator is been created to give you the best tools that we can use in frontend at the moment,

Now we have:

  • TypeScript
  • Nextjs (SSR)
  • ReactJs
  • StyledComponent

Planning for:

  • Basic Components
  • Basic Styles
  • Demo Page + Routing


npm install -g yo
npm install -g generator-frontend-best-practice-boilerplate

Then generate your new project:

yo frontend-best-practice-boilerplate

Your contribution will be appreciated

It would be great if you have an idea to share with me or create a pull-request


MIT © Ehsan Gazar