
A Yeoman generator for Ionic projects with gulp and compass

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import generatorIonicGulpCompass from '';


A Yeoman generator for Ionic Projects with Gulp and Compass

This is a yeoman generator for a minimal Ionic app template. It sets up everything to get you started with Gulp and Ionic in no time. Cloned from Thomas Maximini's generator-ionic-gulp, i added compass support and the possibility to define application constants that resolve to different sets of values according to the build environment (dev VS test VS prod).

All credits for the following explanations go to Thomas Maximini.


  • Gulp jobs for development, building, emulating and running your app
  • Compiles and concatenates your Sass/Compass
  • Local development server with live reload, even inside ios emulator
  • Automatically inject all your JS sources into index.html
  • Auto min-safe all Angular DI through ng-annotate, no need to use weird bracket notation
  • Comes already with ng-cordova and lodash included
  • generate icon font from svg files
  • Blazing fast



You should have Yeoman installed globally

npm install -g yo

To install generator-ionic-gulp from npm, run:

npm install -g generator-ionic-gulp

Finally, initiate the generator:

yo ionic-gulp

after installation, just run:


to start up the build job and file watchers.

In order to compile Sass, you need to have ruby and the sass ruby gem installed: gem install sass.


This doc assumes you have gulp globally installed (npm install -g gulp). If you do not have / want gulp globally installed, you can run npm run gulp instead.

Development mode

By running just gulp, we start our development build process, consisting of:

  • compiling, concatenating, auto-prefixing of all .scss files required by app/styles/main.scss
  • creating vendor.js file from external sources defined in ./vendor.json
  • linting all *.js files app/scripts, see .jshintrc for ruleset
  • automatically inject sources into index.html so we don't have to add / remove sources manually
  • build everything into .tmp folder (also gitignored)
  • start local development server and serve from .tmp
  • start watchers to automatically lint javascript source files, compile scss and reload browser on changes

Build mode

By running just gulp --build or short gulp -b, we start gulp in build mode

  • concat all .js sources into single app.js file
  • version main.css and app.js
  • build everything into www
  • remove debugs messages such as console.log or alert with passing --release


By running gulp -e <platform>, we can run our app in the simulator

  • can be either ios or android, defaults to ios
  • make sure to have iOS Simulator installed in XCode, as well as ios-sim package globally installed (npm install -g ios-sim)
  • for Android, Ripple or Genymotion seem to be the emulators of choice
  • It will run the gulp --build before, so we have a fresh version to test
  • In iOS, it will livereload any code changes in iOS simulator

Emulate a specific iOS device

By running gulp select you will se a prompt where you can choose which ios device to emulate. This works only when you have the gulp -e task running in one terminal window and run gulp select in another terminal window.

Ripple Emulator

Run gulp ripple to open your app in a browser using ripple. This is useful for emuating a bunch of different Android devices and settings, such as geolocation, battery status, globalization and more. Note that ripple is still in beta and will show weird debug messages from time to time.


By running gulp -r <platform>, we can run our app on a connected device

  • can be either ios or android, defaults to ios
  • It will run the gulp --build before, so we have a fresh version to test

splash screens and icons

Replace splash.png and icon.png inside /resources. Then run ionic resources. If you only want to regenerate icons or splashs, you can run gulp icon or gulp splash shorthand.
