
Yeoman generator for creating lambda6 microservices

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import generatorLambda6 from '';


lambda6 Yeoman Generator

Build Status

Easily create lambda6 microservices using this generator for Yeoman. If you aren't familiar with Yeoman, it's a scaffolding tool that helps developers eliminate the boilerplate tasks of setting up a new Node.js project. Check it out!

Quick Start

npm install -g generator-lambda6
mkdir my-lambda6-service && cd $_
yo lambda6

This will start the Yeoman wizard, which will prompt you about the options you want to enable. Once that's done, the dependencies will be installed and your project should be ready to build:


Consult the generated file for more details.

What's Included

  • babel: compiles src directory into dist for uploading
  • mocha and chai for unit testing
  • gulp for easy building
  • .travis.yml that's ready to use
  • other configuration files: .gitignore, .npmignore, etc.


Node.js and npm

If you're reading this, you most likely have these installed already, you savvy developer, you! Otherwise, go ahead and install the latest version of Node.js (npm is included) using whatever method works for your OS.


You'll need Yeoman installed, which requires Node.js and npm (above):

npm install -g yo

AWS Lambda

Be sure to read the AWS Lambda Developer Guide, specifically the sections on authoring Node.js Lambda functions. This is essential to understanding what this generator does. This generator will create a project that builds a bundle containing your Node.js code so that it can be deployed on AWS Lambda. It will also create build steps in the gulpfile.babel.js file to automatically upload and provision the Lambda function to AWS. You'll need an AWS account and appropriate access privileges to do this, of course.


First of all, be sure to familiarize yourself with lambda6 as well as so you understand the programming model that the generated handler function implements. By invoking an AWS Lambda function with an operation and payload, the function can essentially operate as a microservice. This is a key design principle so that functions are neither too bloated for what they do nor too overloaded (spanning too many concerns).