
Make all the necessary files and file changes to add a new page to the angular application

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import generatorLePage from '';



Make all the necessary files and file changes to add a new page to the angular application


npm install generator-le-page


  In order for the page generator to work, your angular project must have a 'client/index.html' and a 'client/src/app/app.js' file. You can optionally add hooks for the generator to include the new files and modules in those two files with the hooks "<!-- YOEMAN HOOK -->" and "/*--YEOMAN-HOOK--*/" respectively.

  To generate a new page, cd into your porject and run 'yo le-page' from the command line. You will be prompted for the name.


  • npm test to run unit tests


Please follow the project's conventions or your changes will not be accepted

Release History

  • 0.1.0 Initial release