
LeadPages Template Authoring Kit Generator

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import generatorLptemplate from '';


What is this repository for?

An npm packaged Yeoman generator that scaffolds a LeadPages Template Authoring Kit.

How do I get set up a local yeoman (for adding features to the generator)?

  • Install NodeJS
  • Install yeoman and the LeadPages Yeoman Generator npm install -g yo generator-lptemplate
    • If error asking for permission: try one or both:
      • Run sudo chown -R 'whoami' ~/.npm to fix the permission issue. (Note: ' around whoami are the grave accent `)
      • If that still doesn't work, try sudo chown -R 'whoami' /usr/local/lib/node_modules (Note: ' around whoami are the grave accent `)
      • If that still doesn't work, just add sudo in front and enter your password.

How to run it?

  • Create a new folder and cd into it
  • yo lptemplate and follow the prompts
  • Start coding!

Who do I talk to?

  • @moninator